polar opposites

i have just been flabbergasted.  no, that words to much fun…mortified, there we go.  i’ve spent the last, however long it’s been since my last post, just reading random entries on this site.  A girl talking about how wonderful her life is, a 15 year old girl talking about being pregnant and cutting. A guy thats afraid to live life, a guy who’s wants to die.  I want to ask every one who reads this to go on a mission. go through random entries on this site, and just read.  leave a note if you feel compelled to do so.  realize that there are so many extremes.  if you think you can help, help, if you can identify with them, for goddess’s sake, tell them they arent alone.  that’s all im asking you to do, read, feel, and type.  this world needs all the people helping it can get.  i hope you decide to help, you dont have to, but it could be the difference of life and death, who knows?


nothing from nowhere, im no one at all. nick.

Log in to write a note

would you please sign online or leave me a note or something…lol cuz obviously ur online. lol leave me a note cuz im not on msn..cuz i dont feel like talking to a lot of people right now

October 28, 2004

I found your diary by doing that exact same thing. I do it most times I write, and more often that not I come across fourteen year olds describing their cutting rituals, and telling the world of their miserable lives. *sigh*

haha i came across ur diary by randomly reading diaries. ur right tho…i think i will do that! take care! 🙂

lol actually i do know the answer to the last one.. i can tell the future.. adn i already know who im going to marry so why bother haha

October 29, 2004

Hey.. I just meant that everyone needs a release. Just a shame most kids choose to ‘release’ on here, acting like no one gives a stuff. It takes a lot to open people’s eyes.. ‘specially fourteen year olds, convinced that the whole world sucks, and that making like they cut will make it all better. xox