pent up rage

hey there boys, girls, and those with a little of both. this will most likely be my longest and most hate-filled post to date, and im gonna savor every profane second of it…commence time: 11:05 pm, central time.

ok, first and foremost: I HATE MY FUCKING JOB!!!!! why, you might ask?

because out GM, craig, is a fucking idiot. about a week or so back, we had some chicken go bad (for those who dont know, i work at KFC, hell’s armpit.) now this wasnt just the smell kinda wierd chicken, this stuff was fucking rank. tim (one of the other cooks) opened a lug (big container of chicken)and had to book it out of the cooler so he could dry heave into the trash can. this stuff looked like the fucking incredible chicken hulk. it was bright green. now, what would you do in this situation if you were the general manager of a restaraunt already feared by the health department? would you a) throw the shit out, it shoulda been gone days ago, or b) it’s only 3 days expired, pick out the stuff that isnt green and cook that. guess what craig had us do? yes, he picked door number two. the foul foul, the moldy bird, the putrid poultry. by the end of the night a was ready to fucking walk. well, craig left at 7, so shawn comes back and tells us to “get that shit outa my cooler”. we complied whole-heartedly.

we havent had any hot water in 2 weeks, which could be a bit of a problem, considering we deal strickly in grease. aside from desserts and sodas, everything we sell is fried in grease. can you see the problem this might cause? one of our good cooks quit to get a better job at dick’s pizza up the street, and tony, that fucking little twat finally got canned. i hope he dies soon so i can piss on his grave.

OK!!!!!! that’s about it for work…now, transportation: el camino, my baby, was sick. on my way home from work i turned the ehater on to de-fog my windows, and low and behold, my car fills with smoke. so we tear her apart, and find out i got a pin-hole leak in my heater core (the thingy that takes heat from teh engine and sends it into the car) so i was loosing coolant. fuck. so i take it out, take the part to RODGERS RADIATOR REPAIR in barton and the bitchy guy behind the counter tells me two days for a new one. so two days later i get a call and hear they got the wrong piece, so they’re gonna fix my old one. mind you durring this time im driving around in phill’s beat to shit isuzu pickup with the squeaky fan belt. no class in that thing whatsoever. so yesturday i finally get my baby her new part, but i gotta take her in for an oil change, cuz she’s a bit low (dont even show on the dipstick)

abruptly switching gears, as well as moods….

went paintballing with kelby, got my ass handed to me, wound up with a welt that looked like a third nipple. it went way about a week ago, wish i got a picture of it.

been spending alot of time with laura, and it’s great, she’s just a fun person to hang out with. i went to her dance recital in mequon on saturday, and holy shit. that girl can dance like nobody’s business. she had nine dances in a 14 or so dance show, it was amazing, just seeing how they moved. she looked like she had alot of fun out there, and im really glad she’s got something she can fall back on, like i have football. if it gets tough, she can dance. i can play ball. our sanctuaries…

speaking of football, i’ve been getting up at 5:30 am three times a week to go and work out for football, plus now i have a speed/agility work out three days a week, so my shedual is as such: monday and wednesday, lifting 6-8 speed camp 8:30-9:30 thursday, lifting 6-8, friday, speed camp 8:30-9:30. if i put myself through hell now, two-a-days should be alot easier for me. plus the scouts are starting shortly, and i’d honest to god give my left nut to play college ball. both to play pro, but im a realist, and thankfully, still intact.

shit, i gotta be up in 4 hours and 50 minutes, so i’ll drop y’all some tunes, shower the chicken stank offa myself and be on my way.


Summer Time Blues

by: Gary Allen

Well, come on everybody, yep

Well, I’m gonna raise a fuss

I’m-a gonna raise a holler

About-a workin’ all summer

Just to try and earn a dollar

Well, Every time I call my baby

Try to get a date

My boss says Uh duh son

You gotta work late

Sometimes I wonder

What I’m-a gonna do

But there ain’t no cure

For the summertime blues

Well, my mom and pop told me

Son, you gotta make some money

If you wanna use the car

To go drivin’ next Sunday

Well, I didn’t go to work

So my pa said I was sick

You can’t use the car

‘Cause you didn’t work a lick

Sometimes I wonder what l’m-a gonna do

‘Cause there ain’t no cure

For the summertime blues

Gonna take two weeks

Gonna have a fine vacation

l’m gonna take my problem

To the United Nation

Well, I called up my congressman

And he said boy

l’d like to help you son

But you’re too young to vote

Sometimes I wonder what l’m-a gonna do

But there ain’t no cure

For the summertime blues

het, het

Oh the summertime blues. yeah.. thank you…

nothing from nowhere, im no one at all. nick.

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June 22, 2005

sorry ur having a crappy summer, i hope it gets better. luv {mon}

sorry things are going crappy. just thing of laura. it’ll make you feel better. geesh. i haven’t talked to kelby in awhile. i should call that boy. uhh i don’t know how you can put up with stacy. like 75% of the time we were there, she was in like loveland with dan bagin. i mean that kid is hott, but she’s had a boyfriend for 10 flippin months! but when she was in loveland,

she talked like she was drunk, and it got quite annoying. and then on the way home her and cheryl (another chick from my van) were talking smack about me, and i was right there, and they wouldn’t tell me the whole story, because one of the days i went into the other van from our worksite and someone from that van went into mine, and they were all talking smack about me and then a few of them were

bringing it up to me, but i didn’t know what they were talking about so then they kinda rubbed it in a little more then walked away. so i was pissed. but i think stacy needs a news flash. and, i will let you go, and i will stop telling you my problems. lol lylab.