november 3rd, 2004

Bush has won, may the gods have pity on us.


well kiddies, the world most powerful idiot is up for 4 more years, and im scared.  i’ll be turning 18 in 2 years and a hair more than a month, and i’d rather not have that guy in office when I register for the draft.  but, as it stand now, we’re screwed.  And i was hoping for quality, equality, and maybe the right to feel a bit safer. oh well.  better go get ready for the bible belt legislature that’s sure to hit us like a ton of bricks.  no offence, but the man has no clue what a seperation of church and state is.

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oh cmon now.. its not that bad.. better him then kerry..

a lot of ppl are upset that hes in office again! i know im not to happy about it.

November 3, 2004

yeah it kinda sucks, LOL well just think, just 4 more years and then we have to do this again., bye luv,

November 4, 2004

Yea Bush really does suck. Of course I’ll be your friend… :)<3 Krissie~

nice rants…very nice… stay frosty!