mysterious noter

i seem to have an emotional guardian angel on this site. at least i think it’s the same person. you’ve left notes for the last few entries i’ve put on here. you say some things that make me realize it’s not a lost cause. for that i thank you. if you are the only one leaving me these anonymous notes, i thank you. if there is a number of people doing random acts of kindness, well then maybe i can sleep a bit more tonight. it’s nice to know that there are rational people in this world who care about somebody they might not even know.

i just had a bit of a revelation (please pardon my sudden change in directioin, it tends to happen after midnight):im sure this angle has been played before, but it’s just hit me. newton’s law states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. what if this doesnt just apply to objects in motion? what if this applies to life as we know it? what if the colombine shootings were the opposite and equal reaction to years of torment? what if the natural disasters of late are the response to centuries of polution and strip mining? another of newtons laws states that things in motion tend to stay in motion, unless acted upon by another force. what does this say for the present course of this world? it says that if left to their own devices, man will cause his own downfall. now, throw in a singularity, a glitch, if you will. let’s name this glitch jesus. im not saying he was or wasnt or isnt going to be the savior of mankind, i dont know, im still trying to figure it out. this is not going to be religious. jesus knew his shit. whether you believe him to be the mortal son of god, or just a really cool guy, he knew what was wrong with the world. so did buddah, muhammad, and moses. hell, even gahndi saw the problems in this world. and they all said the same thing: “we’re about to fuck up big time, but there’s a way to change all that” these men knew there was a way to defy the physics of life. a sort of intelectual and emotional gravity keeping us from floating off into chaos. we have to respect eachother. it’s that easy. hermon boone said “i dont care if you like each other, but you WILL respect each other”. therein Hope lies. if the highschool respected the trenchcoat mafia, maybe they shooting never would have happened. i still believe that those kids were severely fucked up, and they deserve to burn in a thousand hells, but there had to be something to set them off. if we had respected this planet, mybe we wouldnt be in all this mess. if the united states and the middle east respected eachother as co-dependant on eachother, who knows, maybe the 9/11 attacks wouldnt have happened. but hindsight is always 20/20.

and here come my message from this post: we are not gods. (out of nowhere, but bear with me here) therefor, we cannot act like them. we are delicate creatures, emotionally and physically. the only thing that sets us apart from apes are the ability to rationalize, and the ability (though fequently downplayed as of late) to empathize. if we continue on our course, and let newton’s laws prove our own incompetence, we will destroy everything we thought we could ever build. but, there is Hope. it’s not a hope in the final judgement, or some act of diety to come and right the wrongs in this world (it’s not supposed to be that easy). but rather its a Hope in fellow man. we have to trust that newtons laws hold true in every example. instead of laughing at someone, help them, and who knows, maybe you’ll start something incredible. you might buy a lunch for a future nobel peace prize winner who happens to be down on his luck, you might help a saint off of the floor. or maybe something less obvious. you might show one person, one person who thought there was no love in the world, and that it was best to give up and die. you might show them that there is a reason to live. give them a chance to help others the way you helped them. this world is bad, but it’s not beyond saving. it maybe be one in a thousand, but what if we manage to grab that one chance, and hang on for dear life….

till things are brighter. nick.

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i like the way you write. you have given me some things to think about. take care,

Tis the same person, yes. But I am far from being an angel. I agree with your theory that the world is not beyond saving. But I must also say that Newton himself was merely a man. The laws that he created are not the end all, be all. Hope and respect do still exist, but they can also be interrupted or reversed. We can make the world better, but others can still make it worse. Keep trying.