i know, im a sap

hey there boys, girls, and those with a little of both. welcome to the page of revelations according to me.

i went to a new years eve party yesterday -er, two days ago now- with a bunch of my friends. it was pretty boring, until one of the guys got tanked from the water bottle of vodka he snuck in, then, after some serious bad vibes, i realized something. i’d take a bullet for just about any of my friends. i mean, i’ve gone through some tough shit as of late, and i can always trust them to haul me out of the holes i dig for myself. they dont even have to know they’re helping me, and they do. i walk up to that bunch and everything just seems a hellovalot funnier. and so, i guess it’s only fitting to recognize the ones that stand out in my mind, please dont get mad if i missed you. kelby, even if he’s not the brightest crayon in the box, that boys got a heart of a lion. the matt, i can always count on him to get me laughing. stacy always seems to brighten the mood when she shows up. ashley, her ability to laugh at herself if one of the most admiral traits i wish i had. dana, well, all i have to do is think about her and things seem a little bit better. emily B, always gives me a reason to rant and rave about how much i hate the mainstream, which she embodies grr. emily h, we’ve been through the seven circles of hell and back together, some good times, some bad, but they always seem to wind up with us helping each other out, thanks stoopid.

*flashback* (insert wavy lines here)
i remember the first time i met the bunch of you…you didnt care what i looked like, how i dressed, my likes and dislikes, you just wanted someone else to laugh with. i remember hanging out with matt and kelby, just about blowing ourselves to oblivion, and yes, the hose WAS too short. i remember meeting ashley for the first time, wow, you were really sick from that tire swing. i remember me and matt running stacy over when we were role playing as bears in bio, that was great. i remember me, kelby, and the matt singing “time of your life” in matts hot tub, and discussing UFO’s on his deck in 20 degree weather with our trunks on. i remember my first kiss with dana, and the one’s that followed ;). im not even gonna bring up that pink shirt (shivers). i remember talking to emily’s parents about how im not a bad influence because of my clothes. I remember the weight room, the football field, and all those i’ve had the honor to play beside.

ya know, i’ve come a long way because of these guys. i laugh alot easier, and alot harder. i can drop the old masks and have fun. you guys have no clue what you mean to me…

something from somewhere, im someone…somehow. nick.

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Reminiscing is always fun…an AFI fan, eh? nice.

January 2, 2005

Neat 🙂 You make me want to write about each of my friends now. (: You’re awesome yourself, don’t you ever forget that. <33 Manda

awww. thats really sweet! that bonfire at the matt’s house was great! .. i was going out with kelby.. everything was perfect then! 🙂 now, i’ve been replaced with both ashley and stacy. my life has turned to hell.. but hey! now it’s no longer 2004, it’s 2005 and i’m going to make the best of my rejected and forgotten life! love you! xoxo

January 2, 2005

glad that u can write bout ur friends like that, i can do the same thing, but i dont really have that many friends, bye, luv {mon}

January 2, 2005

isn’t great to start a new year and be able to say to yourself that your going to be different, and know that you actually mean it? its great that you have a awesome group of friends that you can count on. this year will be a good one, i just know it 🙂 just here as a friend~krissie~

ryn// well it sure seems like it. i mean like before they started going out, like me and emily went over to the matt’s house and hung out and whatever, and now i hardly talk to him, because i don’t know when he works, and i donno when him and ashley do stuff, and i don’t wanna just like randomly call him.. and then kelby is cool with everything. like whenever i see him he gives me a hug ..

and stuff, but they’re never online, and yeah, and like the last time i came over by you guys before school, like you gave me a hug, and kelby was like talking to me and asking me how i had been, but matt didn’t even say a word to me.. and that kinda pissed me off, and made me feel like he didn’t want me around.. thats one reason why i don’t come over there anymore.. ..

..ok, i’m gunna get going before i start crying!… love you! xoxo

aww thanks i feel special i love ya

January 2, 2005

u forgot me–always someone to laugh at, work out with, punch, and w/e else. and if u dont think so wait till i bring my fart machine to skool. and is any of that free food gunna be possible?

Yep, those were definitely some great times! i was so sick that night! i was just disappointed we didnt have our little puking party that we were going to have behind matts shed….haha!! good times, good times!

Jeez Gengles, what’s the deal? I know we haven’t been friends that long or whatever but I SO thought that you would include me in that whole paragraph… but whatever… I’m just messin. Anyways, you laugh at me all the time! About the “SHORT” bus and on and on… anyways, got to go… love ya gengles!! are you talking about matt ingish and ashley Kirst though?