my friends, i want to take time out tonight for something a little more solem than i normally post. i will tell you now, this is a painfull topic for some, mainly because the topic is just that: pain. our lives are not easy, they arent ment to be. if we could sail through life without a care, it wouldnt be a life worth living, as pain is what makes us who we are. how we deal with hurt and loss reflects how we deal with joy and blessings, and shows us how lucky we are. we’ve lost pets, loved ones, prized posessions…but how many of us can say that we’ve lost our will to live? if one person reads this and says they have, thats one person too many. our lives are precious, our actions today affect millions in the end. whether we see it or not, we have those that care about us, even if they dont know it yet. just think, if you die tonight, what could have happened tomarrow? or the next day? or in the next decade? it seems hopeless, i know…i’ve been there. it’s hard to stop the bleeding for good. and think, if your pain is caused by the loss of someone you love…what does your leaving do but bring about more pain? what about the kid in your class that wories about you, even without knowing your name? what about you cousin, brother, sister, friend, that says “well, they ended it, maybe i could too” what about that kid that you could have helped make a difference. what about you mother, father, aunt, uncle, grandparent, that dies inside because they think it’s their fault. “i should have seen something wrong, it’s my fault your dead”. and that note you left before you did the deed? what’s that accomplish? does it make that one person you’d give anything for smile and say “well, since you put it that way…” no. it brings even more pain. i’d like to leave you with some words from a poet that i’ve always found oddly comforting:

Razors pain you;

Rivers are damp;

Acids stain you;

And drugs cause cramp.

Guns aren’t lawful;

Nooses give;

Gas smells awful;

You might as well live.

running isnt an answer, there’s always time to think.

later days,


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thats true!! that was a good poem…who is it by?

February 4, 2005

dude i think u need a shrink. take stuff way to seious. worry about one thing at a time. and duh, gas smells awseme! later kid

February 4, 2005

RYN: i think what u said makes a good point and that poem is a good poem, dont listen to what people say, no 1 deserves to die not even ur enemies. so yeah bye luv {mon}