hehe, survey

1.How old are you?: 16 on the 13th

2.What is your full name?: Nicholas

3.Whats your mommys name?: Marge

4.Favorite color?: split between black and red

5.Favorite song?: Holiday by GREENDAY

6.Favorite Show: Full Metal Alchamist

7.Most embarising moment?:  Bailed on a jump ball in basketball

8.Who is your closest friend?: the Matt, Kelby, Emily, Ashley, and Stacey. Dana too

9.Can you do your ABC’s Back wards?:  Yeah, I can sing ‘em like that

10.What are some nick names?: Gengles, Nubbs, G

11.What is one must have?: El computadora

12.If you could pick one person to take your place when you die who would it be?: the matt, but maybe he’ll have more luck with the ladies.

13.Whats your beleif?:  Was catholic, but now im more earth based

14.What is the most evil thing you have ever done?:  Don’t ask.

15.How outgoing are you?: All depends if Im in a good mood

16.If you could go back and change one thing in your life what would it be?: I wouldn’t let people walk on me

17.Do you have any pets?:  dog, 2 cats, some fish

18.Whats the grossest thing you have ever done?: Ate I dounut that was down some guy’s pants

19.What is the funniest thing that you ever did in public?: Well, there was that one time I started yelling at my shoes in walmart…

20.Plan on having any kids?:  I need someone to pass my sense of humor to

21.What is one thing that people notice about you when they first meet you?:  Probably that im rather intimidating

22.What is your worst fear?:  losing control and hurting someone I care about

23.What time is it? 1:57 AM

24.What color eyes do you have: Brown

25.How much do you weigh?(be honest ladies):  250, but I don’t look it

26.Have you had your first kiss?: yes

27.Do you beleive in love at first site?: no

28.Have you ever swam in jello?:  never thought of that…

29. Do you prefer death or life?: life now, perhaps death when im old

30. Have you and will you ever get elected for president?:  no, and I hope not

31. Can you swim in ice cream?: Prolly can, never thought of it though

32. Can you break dance?: nope

33. What is the naughtest thing you ever did?: Played strip poker

34. Whats the funniest thing ever done?:  Told the school band to play magic bus

35. Whats the saddest thing that ever happend?: prefer not to disclose</SPAN


36. Favorite quote?:  Speak softly and carry a big stick – Teddy Roosevelt

37. What is your new years resultion?: don’t have one

38. If you could make one wish what would it be?: to have pyrokenesis

39. Have you ever swam in jello?: not yet

40. Whats the meanist thing you have ever said to someone close?: “eat shit and die, you ass spelunker”

41. Have anything wrong with you?: Mentally, yes. Physically, not so much.

42. Would you ever sky dive?:  Only if I had my brown pants

43. Are you scared of tight spaces?: nope, I was the kid that got stuck in cardboard boxes at Christmas time, it was great.

44. Scariest thing?: The guy from jeepers creepers

45. Worse fear?: losing control

46. Is clear a color?: Is it? Or is it a lack there of?


ok, thanks to mistress in blood for the survey, gave me something to do. also, found the most kick-ass site ever, it’s addictive: http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/badgerphone.php

now, on to the music!



Hammer to Fall



Here we stand or here we fall
History won’t care at all
Make the bed light the light
Lady mercy won’t be home tonight yeah

You don’t waste no time at all
Don’t hear the bell but you answer the call
It comes to you as to us all
We’re just waiting
For the hammer to fall

Oh ev’ry night and every day
A little piece of you is falling away
But lift your face the western way
Build your muscles as your body decays yeah

Toe your line and play their game yeah
Let the anaesthetic cover it all
Till one day they call your name
You know it’s time for the hammer to fall

Rich or poor or famous
For your truth it’s all the same

Lock your door the rain is pouring
Through your window pane

Baby now your struggle’s all in vain

For we who grew up tall and proud
In the shadow of the mushroom cloud
Convinced our voices can’t be heard
We just wanna scream it louder and louder louder

What the hell we fighting for?
Just surrender and it won’t hurt at all
You just got time to say your prayers
While your waiting for the hammer to hammer to fall

It’s gonna fall
Hammer..you know..hammer to fall
Waiting for the hammer to fall now baby
While you’re waiting for the hammer to fall

Give it to me one more time


Nothing from nowhere, im no one at all. nick.

Log in to write a note
December 4, 2004

Hey I think I’ll take this hope you don’t mind.. Huggs Mermz

='( i’m not one of your closest friends? (~pouts~) =P lol xoxo

hey, lol i feel special. thanks for the note..and even though u didnt ask!..my head still hurts..lol..but yea ne ways.. that was very interesting..thanks for coming to my game.. call me sometime about doing something.. we should see a movie sometime.. ttyl i love u bye

December 5, 2004

Well I have loads so your welcome to add more to your diary anytime :0 ) Huggs Mermz

haha nice snatch from my diary lol…and yeah i don’t mind go ahead…*shrugs* can’t do shit about it anyways lol..anywho..just droppin’ by to say hey and rant with yoo later…ta-ta ~stay frosty~ .x. amber .x.

December 6, 2004

RyN: yay only 7 today!!! =) xx, <3,

Hey, the guy on jeepers creepers is really scary! lol. the survey is funny. who would have thought that you can actually swim in Jello? lol w/b if ya wanna!

December 7, 2004

RYN: Dude, that is awesome. You go to East? That is ultra neat. I’m only in 7th grade at Badger Middle School, but I am going to West. Hmmm… well… yeah.. that is seriously freaky. Anyways, this survey is really cool. >=) Signed, Manda <=-) P.S. Green Day Rocks Your Rainybow Socks! GO GREEN DAY! woo.. okay, done now

December 14, 2004

cool survey, ill probably steal it. aaaargh! go on http://www.badgerbadgerbadger.com for the ORIGINAL version lol you shouted at your shoes in walmart …….. peace out x