good evening

hello again boys, girls, and those with a little of both. my life, since last we met, has been pretty much the same. however, i would like to make an announcement to those of my friends that my not be familiar with some of the educate i like to keep. i’d rather keep last names to a minimum. also, if y’all could keep from calling me by my nickname, it’d be greatly appreciated. oh yeah, and em, i talked about that god-awfull shirt, remember? now, with that done, let’s see if i cant find something to rant and rave about…AHA! found one! (took me a while, no?)

ok, semester exams begin one week from today. normally, i dont really give a flying fudge about them, as i never realized how blown out of proportion they have become. i know people that are on the verge of a mental and nervous breakdown because “these tests will decide if we get into the college we want!!!” *GASP* oh the things i see wrong here. FIRST OF ALL, no test is worth freaking out about, unless somebody’s got a gun to your head, and is gonna pull the trigger if you fail, i dont see the big problem with biffing a test. granted yes, they can be worth a large chunk of the semester grade, but if you have to work that hard to pass, you should have worked harder from the start of the semester. and it’s not even that hard of work, if you do it. ANYWAYS, back to raving like a madman: WHY DO WE TAKE THESE DAMN TESTS?!?! school wasn’t ment to force-feed us useless facts and trivial information, it was sposed to be a place where we go to learn the facts of life, to make friends, to endeavor to challenge ourselves mentally, physically, and emotionally. these are seldom the best years of our lives nowadays, these are now very stress full, painful, and lonely times for teenagers. anyways, i have to go back and worship the school system by doing homework so i can exempt english and biology. i hate school and everything it has come to stand for. DEATH TO THE SCHOOL BOARD!!!

nothing from nowhere, im no one at all. nick.

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hey nick hows it going. yea exams suck i know what u mean. i just want school to be over with so i dont have to have so much stress with trying to “please” my parents by doing good. well i will talk to ya later i love u.. ~emily~

hey the only hard exam i got is econ. dude my folks will kill me if i get a C on a report card. not really but they will take my car away for like a quarter. witch is worse. dude and wuts wrond with ur nick name. actually witch one are we talkin about?-jeraldo–it fukin signed me out

i agree.. i don’t think we should take them either…. xoxo *//annabelle (it signed me out)