english class boredom

hey there boys, girls, and those with a little of both.

as of right now, im in english class in the libary, yes, libary. i finished my damnable 48 notecards about 10 minutes ago, and i got a 49 out of 50. not bad considering 34 of them were written at 12-2:30 am. im currently in the wonderful stage of sleep deprivatioin where EVERYTHING is hilarious, and im doing things i dont normally do. im being very obnoxious and…..wait…..nevermind.

anywho, work sucked last night. shawn felt the need to do my job for me AGAIN. i wanted to ream him a new one, but it’s not wise to upset a manager, especially when he’s got about 150 pounds on you. he was just being a dick. im standing right next to him, and he looks at me and says “well, little sherman is doing friers, so im gonna be here till midnight”. he was being completely serious. so natuarlly, i kicked ass all night and got done at 9:58. fuck you shawn, you fat fuck.

OK! now that my agression is vented, time for some of the antics of nick. me and the matt were driving home…either yesturday of the day before, it’s all kind of a blur now. ANYWAY, our friends pulled out next to us, so we decided to follow them. we tailed them all over down town west bend and all the way to the highway, but the matt had to get home, so we didnt follow them. maybe we’ll do it again today…

nothing from nowhere, im no one at al. nick.

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February 25, 2005

Sleep deprivation is very fun. Oh yes, and everything stupid is the most hilarious in the world. Someone could say the word ‘duck’ and you’d be laughing your ass off, literally. But seriously, get some sleep in you, before you collapse of a heart attack. Who wants to be stuck in the hospital for eternity? –Amanda–

February 25, 2005

Nothing from Nowhere, im No one at all…and there is really…Nothing Here For Me,I totally agree. (Hey that rhymes…I rock!) Just thought Id drop in…and then jump out.

Yeah some people just have to act like a dick to make up for their lost in the pants…but yeah sleep depervation..sounds familiar lmao well yeah stay frosty, keep brappin’, and i’ll catch ya on the flip side.

February 26, 2005

bojangles, you be crazy.