Dead babies everywhere

Hey there boys, girls, and those with a little of both.  It’s been ages since i actually had something to rant about, but here comes a good one.


The topic of the day:  Dead babies.

Eww, right?  I KNOW!!

but i digress.


Here at my lovely university campus, we from time to time have one interest group or another handing out pamphlets supoprting their cause.  These can range from "go out and vote", "dont eat animals, they’re people too" and my favorite: "halloween is evil, and by giving candy to little kids you help them worship satan"  (no joke, they were here last october).  i usually poiltely deny their pushy message on the grounds that i make a habit of not supporting causes.  when one supports a cause, the ones pushing it on you automatically assume (ASS U ME) that you believe wholeheartedly in everything they do. this leads to some interesting, if not hilarious, though sometimes disturbing results. (and yes, hilarious and disturbing can be interchangable at times.)

but we have a new group out in force today.  the Dead Baby Klan. (not their real name, they call them selves Minionaries for the preborn, but hey, somebody has to counter their propoganda)  Now, i have no problem with anyone who is pro-life.  that’s a personal choice, and quite frankly, i dont care.  But these "people" out protesting are, quite frankly, the skum of the earth.  you’ve probably seen them before, standing along roads, holding up signs with huge pictures of an aborted fetus. here comes the rant.


YOU MINDLESS RIGHT WING FUCKS!  how can you justify standing less than a block from an elementary school, on a road the busses take in the morning, holding up pictures of dead babies?  you call yourselves misionaries? you’re perverts.  in your little propoganda phamphlet you compare planned parenthood to the nazi holocost.  are you really that horribly stupid?  planned parenthood isnt just some automatic baby scrambler, they promote safe sex, test for std’s, and in general promote making responsible choices, whatever that may end up being.  I’m not saying they’re in the right, not saying that it’s ok to have abortions because you dont feel like having a kid, but damnit, it’s a choice women have, and i’m not taking anything away from one of them, i’d like to see my graduation. 

you say that a three month old fetus is a human being, and that it deserves the same respect as an adult.  bullshit.  If that were true, then how can you justify holding 4 foot signs with a dismembered fetus on it, and prancing around like the sun shines out of your ass?  i fail to see how you’re respecting that fetus that you superimpose the word "murder" over.  would you want a picture of your corpse plastered on signs in a shamless attempt to shock people into supporting a cause whose only true basis is fundemental rightwing religious bullshit?  i know i dont.

FURTHERMORE, what happens when you get your little way?  are you going to help the mother and baby out of the ghetto, are you going to help that child out of their wheelchair three times a day so they dont soil themselves?  i doubt it.  thanks to my dear readers, i now have ANOTHER reason to want to kick you in the face.  what about the babies that (though it pains me to say it) shouldnt be born?  would you really want your mother to secretly hate you, because you look just lke her rapist?  Would you want to have to convince her that you getting dinner is more important than her getting her fix?  or how about somethin even worse?  how about the mothers who can stand having a child any more, and drown them in the bathtub? throw them in the dumpster?  shake their one year olds till they’re brain damaged?  with all that pain in the world, are you really sure this is where you should be spending your time? shouldnt you quit protesting something that will never change in the eyes of the government, and start putting your effort into helping the babies that’re already born?

i’m half of the mind to g out and start a debate with the dead baby people…..ya know what? i think i will.

sorry it’s been so long, but it takes alot to get my goat these days.  it takes seeing dead babies everywhere.


Till things are brighter.


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September 25, 2008

*golf claps*

September 25, 2008

They do the same thing here in my area. Interestingly enough, these very same people don’t give a flying fart for the poor babies, already born, who live in ghettos.

September 25, 2008

hear hear DIMITRI

October 8, 2008

lmao. Nice rant about those dead babies. Good point about them insisting a fetus is a human being and then putting it on a huge sign for kindergartners to gawk at.

October 10, 2008

ryn: I guess it’s entirely possible, but I don’t know enough about neurology to say much about it. At one point, I strongly considered becoming a neurologist for this very reason! 😛

October 24, 2008

ryn: Good to know the distinction! lol, Italy is where I went after ending my poor college kid phase, exactly two days after, in fact. I hope you get to go!