care to start a ripple?

hey there boys, girls, and those with a little of both. today i have a very interesting post. my sister (not the one from most of my posts) is doing an project for her art major, and i think it has earned a place here. in her own way, maybe she’s the one to start the ripple in the waters of life.

the email says:

Hey Everyone, I have a favor to ask. My name is Sarah and I am currently enrolled at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee in their art education program. I need help with my final project for my drawing 102 class. If you would be willing to help, it would be WONDERFUL!

Take a second and think about a time in your life that either the media or a person has told you something you need to change about yourself to be accepted. Consider things you feel you need to do be accepted by whomever. Write each on a small scrap piece of paper. If you can think of more than one, EVEN BETTER. Use any kind of scrap paper, post-it note, a corner of a folder, a napkin, a paper coaster, a piece of news paper, anything. Don’t sign your name. Phrase each comment as a “personal reminder”

Here are some examples of ones I’ve gotten so far…

“Quit wasting time with art and do something worth while”

“Be realistic; get your head out of the clouds.”

“If you don’t loose weight, you’ll never get a boy/girlfriend”

“Quit being so shy”

“Go out to eat with someone and not just myself”

“Remove moles, they’re ugly”

“Get a real job”

The list goes on. When I get enough of these (hundreds) I’ll cover a section of the wall with them. I want this to represent a list of reminders that someone would leave for themself on something like a cork board or on the fridge. Instead of a reminder to “turn in paper, or pick up clothes from dry cleaner” the reminders are personal things; things that this person has heard at any time of their life about everything they need to fix about themselves (either mentally or physically.) I want the people who look at this to realize the pressures put on everyone everyday to be something they aren’t. We shouldn’t feel like we need to be a certain way to be accepted, but this is what everything around us is constantly saying. This instillation is going to be powerful. Please take a part in this and use it in a way to vent. It should feel liberating to get these things out, and when you see some of the other responses that I’ve received (which you will), I’m sure you will see you are NOT alone. If you want to see how this project turns out, write your email address where you would normally put your return address on the envelope and I will either email you some pictures OR tell you where to go online to see the finised project. I can’t thank you enough for your help.

Please mail your responses so they are here before December 14th. You don’t have to put a return address on them (just an email If you would so choose) PLEASE forward this to anyone you think that would be willing to help me out.


3022A North Farwell Ave.

Milwaukee WI, 53211

If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

I think this project is really going to turn some heads..

that’s the end of the email.

my friends, this could be the start of something impressive. this may be a chance to change our communities for the better. if not, then at least we get to show others that they arent alone.

today we have the chance to start a ripple in the waters of life…will you help us toss in the first pebble?

till things are brighter.


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November 30, 2006

love the entry, nick. amanda

November 30, 2006

amazing, i’ll see what i can do. jen

November 30, 2006

i got the e-mail from u and manda–definatley putting thought into..u will definatly hear from me Nick. Your sister had a smart idea.PROPS TO HER* much love- h.a.r.t

December 21, 2006

werewolf ninja… an interesting combination. 😉 <3 amanda

December 27, 2006

a gun? for christmas? uh-oh. jennie

December 29, 2006

you’re probably a whipper kid. ha. hahaha. HA! ok done the best kid ever to pick on, amanda