’bout damn time

hey there boys, girls, and those with a little of both. TODAY IS A RESULT OF FRUITLESS SEARCHING. not only did i find my art metals ring, putting me much closer to on-time with it, but i figured out what the fudge was wrong with my OD format. turns out i left my ring in the cleaning solution in the classroom, and i was using the wrong internet server (firefox), to write my entries instead of old reliable i-net explorer. so yeah, that was flustrating. but it’s all working out, since i have tomarrow night to hang out with my friends, because im not going on the camping trip i was supposed to. lol. no big deal, i’d wind up baby-sitting for free all weekend *ACK*.

on a lighter and more personal note, today was the one month aniversary with my girlfriend and myself. it wasnt anything big, but i gave her a poem that i hope she liked. it was good, except that she had to go to a wrestling meet tonight. i dont really mind, but i just wish she had more fun with it…

i’ve made this entry very brief on purpose, because, along with the return of the formatting, there is also the inevitable return on THE SONG OF THE DAY!!! so enough of my sense-less rambling, IT’S TIME FOR THE MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!

Red, White and Blue
by: Lynyrd skynyrd

We don’t have no plastic L.A. friends
ain’t on the edge of no popular trend
ain’t never seen the inside of that magazine GQ
we don’t care if your a lawyer or a Texas oil man
or some waitress busting ass at some liquor stand
if you got soul we hang out with people just like you

Well my hairs turning white
my necks always been red
my collars still blue
we’ve always been here
just trying to sing the truth to you
guess you could say we’ve always been Red White and Blue

Ride our own bikes to Sturgis pay are own dues
smokin camels and drinking domestic brews
if you want to know where i’ve been just look at my hands
yeah i’ve driven by the white house and spent some time in jail
mama cried but she still wouldn’t pay my bail
i ain’t been no angel but even god he understands

My hairs turning white
my necks always been red
my collars still blue
we’ve always been here
just trying to sing the truth to you
guess you could say
we’ve always been red white and blue

yeah that’s right…..

My daddy worked hard and so have I
We paid our taxes and gave our lives to serve this great country
so what are they complaining about
yeah we love our families
we love our kids
you know it’s love that makes us all so rich
that’s where were at
if they don’t like it they can just…get the hell out! Yeah!

My hairs turning white
my necks always been red
my collars still blue
we’ve always been here
just trying to sing the truth to you
guess you could say
we’ve always been red white and blue





nothing from nowhere, im no one at all. nick.

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January 14, 2005

congrats on the anniversary! đŸ™‚ Love is amazing when u finally find it. *sigh*

aww thats sooo cute. congrats:P.. i love you, dont forget about monday either.. ttyl

January 14, 2005

DAMN YOU FORMAT!!!! i hate this computer with a vengance… nothing from nowhere, im no one at all. nick.

January 14, 2005

happy anniversary!!!! in fact the 13th is my anniversary with my boyfriend of 7 months, again happy anniversary. bye, luv {mon}