be yourself

hey there boys, girls, and those with a little of both. that’s right, it’s time for Mister Nick’s Big Book O’ Wisdom!!!! (applause)

i’ve been a bit unnerved as of late. i’ve been reading random entries ehre and there on OD, and i’ve come across some startling reoccurances. it seems the gods of random entry finding have pulled up a few diaries of people who dont like themselves in one way or another. be it “im too fat” “im too unwanted”, or my favorite “im too passionate” (can that be done?)

my friends, society is full of shit. its that simple. they tell us we’re supposed to be thin to the point of looking like holocost victims. that if we’re even the tiniest bit overweight, or even a healty weight, we need to loose drastic poundage. NO WE DONT!! we do not need to succumb to the mind numming drone of fashion advisers and crappy check-out-lane magazines. hell, i have a bit of a vandetta against skinny people…they can run faster than me. (insert drum sound here) but on a more serious note, the models and other magazine bimbos are the unhealhty ones. they’re the ones that look like they’re coke-fiends. EAT!!!!!!!!! EAT DAMN YOU!

they tell us we have to be happy all the time, and to be sad for more than the time between episodes of some shitty tv show is unhealthy. once again a prime example of society’s shitfullness. there’s nothing wrong with being sad. yeah, it sucks, i’ll give them that, but being happy and uber-spastic all day cant be good for the nervous system. people need some emotional down time every now and then. it might take a day or two, or it might take a month. but eventually, things improve. take my word on this one. life is topsy turvey, but in the end it will always right itself. if you wanna be sad, then be sad. but please dont be sad alone. this diary is open to leave notes on all the time, private or otherwise. if you need to vent, feel free to leave me a note or two, of twenty if you really need to bitch about something.

my friends, we are what we are. they can try and tell us it’s wrong, taboo, or uncouth, but who gives half a flying fuck what they say? i dont, i really dont care. i’ll wear my black, play my football, and sing off key really loud whenever i want to. why? cuz that’s just my. all we can do is be ourselves. anything less is unacceptable.

Song of the Day

Be yourself

by: Audioslave

Someone falls to pieces

Sleeping all alone

Someone kills the pain

Spinning in the silence

She finally drifts away

Someone gets excited

In a chapel yard

And catches a boquet

Another lays a dozen

White roses on a grave


And be yourself is all that you can do, yeah

To be yourself is all that you can do

Someone finds salvation

In everyone

Another only pain

Someone tries to hide himself

Down inside himself he prays

Someone swears his true love

Until the end of time

Another runs away

Separate or united

Healthy or insane


And be yourself is all that you can do

[all that you can do]

To be yourself is all that you can do

[all that you can do]

To be yourself is all that you can do

[all that you can do]

To be yourself is all that you can do

Even when you’ve paid enough

Been pulled apart, or been held up

With every single memory of

The good or bad, faces of luck

Don’t lose any sleep tonight

I’m sure everything will end up alright

You may win or lose

But to be yourself is all that you can do, yeah

To be yourself is all that you can do, oh [x3]

[all that you can do]

And to be yourself is all that you can

To be yourself is all that you can

Be yourself is all that you can do

till things are brighter. nick.

Log in to write a note

And the truth finally comes out! Yes! Ur new nickname is Sojourner Truth (yes, I realize that u don’t travel much. ur words, on the other hand, do.).

hey ya I’m eatin’ but onlt cuz they are force feeding me lol well ttyl………………………………………………………………horse shit…………………………….ur luvin’ it

March 13, 2006

thanks, mysterious noter. but i dont think im that good. that and i’ve never had to run away with my child from a nasty slave owner. (heh, google saved my ass again). one of these day’s you’re gonna tell me who you are, right? oh well, curiosity is second to privacy. thanks you very much again. till things are brighter. nick.

You already know who I am. Well, at least we’ve talked before, so I hope you haven’t forgotten me. You, sir, shouldn’t have had to look up Sojourner Truth. The knowledge of all women as strong as she was should be engraved into your brain. (my feminist side is very dominant) But the point of my anonymity isn’t privacy; it’s almost reverse psychology. Keeping you interested will keep you listening.

Hey ur kinda helpin’ me w/my problem but thats not my only one I lost my best friends she/he commited suicid and their lil bro die 2 weeks later from b’in sick.I lost all my other friends b/c I give to much I have lil of nothing but I try to keep ppl happy.I run on coffee/ciggies and all thats killin’ me.Well what Im tryin’ to say is im a lost cause so you dont have to try and help me can I help u

March 22, 2006

Nick. Hm. I have not talked to you in quite some time. I see that you wanted to be on my favorites; well you’re on it. I must warn you that I have a new diary, called:: heartfelt apologies. I’ll be sure to add you to that one as well. Bah, I love the way you write. It always comes out so perfectly. -envious- Later days. <3 Manda