
Hello my little web-piglets.

I have no idea how I’m going to manage a full entry today as I’ve done very nearly nothing for a week- one of the regretable joys of having 6 weeks of summer holiday. Still, I shouldn’t moan. I will though, as this is my diary so stuff you all backwards into a cupboard.

Anyway, yes- entry… nope still nothing coming.

This saddens me rather as after this enormous gap I would like to type something even moderately meaningful. I’ve tried reading through the essays the rest of you write and try to keep up, but I always end up crafting just enough to cover the back of a beer mat. For a dolls house. For midget dolls. That are smaller than average.

I do have a lot swimming round in my head at the minute, but thankfully (or sadly) it’s all happy and warm, and I tend to type epics only when melancholy. Being old and settled I am now, sadly, about as edgy as a satsuma. Still, it’s fuzzy, warm honeymoon period at the mo, I’m sure I shall feel the steady creep of cynicism slithering back up my thighs soon. I don’t know why I’ve just made cynicism sound like an insidious pervert, but there we go.

I’m beginning to count down the milliseconds to my honeymoon now- it’s not until 11th august, I’ve just got to hang on in there- I like holidays! We’re going to Devon and I will very much enjoy a lounge on the beach/ somewhere out of the rain so I can continue my Russian literature season (I’m currently reading Anna Karenina and War and Peace). Obviously I’ll have to entertain my beloved too, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Right, I’ve dragged out nothing for as long as is feasable. I’ll try and commit a crime or something so I have more to write about soon.



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July 29, 2012

Reading War and Peace is a crime, its desperately dull!!! Lee Mee xXx

July 30, 2012
August 1, 2012

there’s nothing wrong with life being dull, man, as long as you’re enjoying yourself. I hope you’re having an awesome now. *peace-signs-and-smiley-faces*

August 11, 2013

RYN: holy cocking spadgeballs!!! A note!!! Lee Mee xXx