
This week has been the biggest bag of wank since a adolescent males began. Oh yes.

My first NVQ course turned me away due to the fact they are so shit that they hadn’t sent me the work I had to do first, and as such accused me of not doing the neccessary work. I can only assume this is Welsh logic. So I then had to march through pouring rain to work, staggered through the door like Scott of the Antarctic, only to discover I’d been booked off all day and had to stagger home. In the pouring rain. I then got home to discover we had run out of credit on the gas meter and so I froze myself to sleep. Oh, and did I mention I have man flu?

The next day I had another course. So I marched to that at 9am, through snow and gales and rains of fire (the last bit was a slight lie…) and actually was allowed into my course. It was there my luck ended. The course wouldn’t have challenged an 8 year old. And I have three more weeks of it… WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Oh well, at least I’m not grotesquely fat and on fire. In Bognor Regis. With a boring person.

Oh well, at least I have Kate to keep me from going insane by simply being glorious and being the farmer. She is ace and rocks my cock. And my world. And my world’s cock.

And of course Lianne who is more fun and northern than a barrel of fun northern monkeys. She is ace.

Sorry this entry was dull but I don’t care as it’s my diary. As I once said to my manager: Poo to you with knobs on.



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February 24, 2006

Things can only get better, hey? Hope next weeks a good one for you to make up for this shitty one. xx

February 24, 2006

Your DAIRY???? ARE YOU THE FARMER??????????????? *dies laughing* Lianne Marie xXx

February 24, 2006

Can’t belive you edited the typo. Not it said Diary instead of Dairy and it’s not funny. I have therefore kidknapped one of your cows. Lianne Marie xXx

February 24, 2006

And this one! Lianne Marie xXx

February 24, 2006

i dom’t know what to lol at most. your entry or the cows!!!!!! i am pissed! if you ever want to text me for fun: +905338474984 xxxxxxxx

February 24, 2006

hehehe, I musta missed the dairy thing, but cows are COOL (in the intensely boring sort of way). you’re so lucky getting to hang with two gorgeous british gals, Tom. hope you’re having a nice now up there. *peace signs and smiley faces*

wow two entries in 3 days…whats going on with you? I love it though!!!! xxx

February 27, 2006

I’m made of real tusk. xxx