Why I’m single…

I’ve found a website the vastly amuses me for no real reason and I’m worried that I found it at all. Goatsonline.com is a masterpiece. And yes, I was looking up goat clothes on the internet. Don’t ask why as I’m not sure what  the answer would be. Any site that says Goats need a champagne and Kraft breakfast is fine by me.

I’m currently off work due to the wonder of holiday pay, and as such am working in ACME as the owner has gone to Japan. Bloody bus man’s holiday. Last night I went to my friends and drank a few beers and three litres of cider which was not strictly strategic. I currently feel like my head is on backwards and aflame. For those of you interested in seeing my head with it’s new hair I’m on Bacefook (Thomas Anthony Kilby). go and look at the entity typing these words- I apologise for any disappointment caused. If you happen to have a Facebook account why not add me as a friend so I look more popular? (ed. Because I’m very, very dull, that’s why not)

Well, as usual I have nothing of real value to type. My cat has covered my bedroom in mouth bleed but that’s about it. My bed itself resembles a charnel house so I had to sleep on the sofa. Bastards.


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I’m single because I’m an arrogant, elitist, pretentious cvnty bitch. =D You are not dull. You have entries in the Awesome, remember? *snuggles* Though you’d be more awesome if you gave me 100 beers.

We are so cute, with our coordinated diaries. It’s fate. Stinky fate of 100 beers.

January 6, 2009

You are the least dull person in the entire world. And yes I have indeed met everyone in the entire world in a quest to find someone less dull than you are. I’m not sure that sentence makes sense. RYN: I mention you in, like, every entry! (If you search for your name in my diary there are 912 entry references) I thought I’d give someone else a chance for once and what happens? You actually read me! And note me! *clutches chetst* I love you you big mad hairy hippy bastard. And your goats. Lee Mee xXx

January 6, 2009

Goatsonline… well ive been on comparethemeerkat.com so I cant really comment!

January 6, 2009

yeah, you’re not dull. I hope you’re having a nice now up there. *peace signs and smiley faces from Oz*

Woop, stopped by due to LeeMee! And I added you on facebook x x

January 7, 2009

Stopped by cos of Lee Mee too! Your entry reminded me of my grandmother who was amazing and had ALL sorts of books and was an expert on everything. My favourite one was “Practical Goatkeeping” Added you on facebook too!