Wherever I lay my Hat….

Hello there, oh children of cyber-space. I have returned from my sabbatical into the realm of poverty- I do love pay day.

Well, big news this month, oh adherents to my own personal creed. Kate is moving back to Taunton in March. Bye-bye Bangor, that’s what she’ll be saying, oh yes! I’ll be moving down after her in June so the Kilby Official Residence will no longer be in an obscure Welsh mountain town. I’ll be bigging it up in a Somerset stylee. I intend to become a farm hand and frolic in open meadows in a flat cap with a piglet uder one arm and a pint of cider in the other hand. Ooo-aaargh etc.

Other than that, it’s Kate’s birthday this weekend so we are visiting her familiars in Taunton. I’m also taking her out for a slap up binge at a local pie shop this evening. It’s actually a nice Chinese Restaurant, but a pie shop binge has a certain feel about it that is so much more special. I don’t really know where I’m going with this- damn stream of consciousness…

I’m tired. I’m not sure why as I have done nothing but sleep for the last few days. My manager at work is a bit peeved about that… Not told her I’m moving yet incidentally… muh-ha-ha-ha!

I’m going clothes shopping this month- the bag lady look is losing it’s charm! Especially as I’m male- Trampvestisism perhaps???

Anyhoo, I’m off- toodles!

Tom Bombadil

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January 31, 2007

I caught you on the front page and went “Hold on– HOLD ON– that looks like Kate’s lovair. Could it be?!” And it was! Normally I’m not one for passing on messages but Kate really was one of my favourite favourites on here so if you’ll just tell her that there’s at least one ODist who misses her terribly? I’m glad to see you guys are still going strong, it makes my heart happy. Well, I’m guessing it makes yours pretty happy, too. I’m done rambling. Suffice to say that you’ve made my day and there’s still twenty two and a half hours to go. Look after each other, won’t you?

January 31, 2007

mmm… pie shop binge.It does sound strangely delicious, although I’m sure walls are not that tasty. Yay for moving. careful not to run around with too heavt a piglet, it may cause ow.

January 31, 2007

hehehehe, you and Kate’s relationship makes me giddy. as do your entries. I wanna live in a country with pie shops, damnit. anyhoozle, hope you’re enjoying your now over there. *peace signs and smiley faces*

Bangor obscure? Oh, come on now… You can’t mean that! đŸ˜‰

January 31, 2007

Calling you NOW.

February 1, 2007

Hello old friend! Looks like your life is treating you well! I am happy for you and Kate you both deserved someone that would love each other! The single boat is lonely without you old chap.. I have now taking your once comfy seat!