Twice a day keeps the nagging away…

Yes, two entries in one day- I’m clearly going out of my mind- I’m a changed man. Or rather, the more I type, the less opportunity Lianne has to tell me off for being a naughty little scamp!


Well, I still don’t have that much to say, what with being a boring and slightly eccentric little man, but I shall do my best to forge an entry out of the meagre remnants of my memory.


Firstly, my trip to
and home with Christina last weekend… I was ill. All day in
. Couldn’t eat or focus. Missed most of the shopping. AAAAAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!!! Oh well, I had a nice evening, and the next mornings wander and brunch with Div were lovely. The journey home was long and arduous, but I have got a good picture of me and Stina out of it (anybody wishing to see it must request an email, as I have no ability at putting photos on OD…)!


Last night I went out to a bit of an impromptu get together and had a bit too much to drink (A bottle of brandy, four pints of real ale, some green stuff…) and a few too many drags on the ole ‘funny fags’ so I spent the evening making everyone laugh with my foolish antics- I was on a good day- I know I can be really funny when I get into ‘the zone…’ After that I was supposed to be going to a rave, but then I realised I hated them so I went home, played on my newly acquired gameboy advance (I’m doing amazingly on pokemon gold *sobs at the tragedy*) and stumbled to bed giggling to myself!


Today I have done so little it is amazing! If lard were to take human form, it would be me!


Anyway, as that is all the filth to spew from the hatch of my mental kitchen this eve I will leave you to your own devices! Over and out!


Love Me (No one else will!)


Oh, and Capulet, I’m sure you were looking at pictures of someone else…


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October 30, 2005

I don’t like pokemon gold. I’m so stuck its not funny! Must get my brothers help…

October 30, 2005

lol, you got wasted and for some reason I find it funny on you. other people I see it as sad and pathetic, but you make it fun, Tom! good show!

October 30, 2005

You are making me need a joint. In fact, ‘need’ is barely strong enough a word. Somehow I have survived all day without a cigarette… … I may cry soon. Re. your shout-out – don’t be moronic. You are a dishy beast. xxx

October 30, 2005

What do you mean you have no facility to post pictures on OD? I showed you how to do it? Need some help? Oh and by the way… *shouts* “You’re a naughty little scamp!!!” Hahahahahahahaha! Lianne Marie xXx

October 31, 2005

i like the increase in entries 🙂

you are such a witty man, I love you! Don’t ever change! A bottle of brandy? ewww baby! xoxo

November 4, 2005

How was the fillum last night Tombellina? And please give my regards to Mr Whiskerson! *snuggles* Lianne Marie xXx

Whoa, any night out that involves drinking ‘the green stuff’ is a serious. night. out, dood.

November 7, 2005

TOM! I’m 100 today, you’d bally well better leave me a note! LOVE YOU!!!!! (Read my ‘my favourite entry’ too) Lianne Marie xXx