Things that I do…

.10 Music you’ve been listening a lot to lately:
1. Kaiser Chiefs
2. Aerosmith
3. Muse
4. Eric Clapton
5. Cream
6. Derek and the Dominoes
7. Metallica
8. Gregorian Chant
9. David Bowie
10. Beethoven

9 Things you look forward to:
1. Dinner Time
2. Payday
3. Lunch Time
4. Bed
5. Snack Time
6. The Transformers Movie
7. Actually achieving enough to attract a girlfriend

8. Having my own place some day
9. Meeting Carolyn at some point

8 Things you like to wear:
1. Nice suits
2. Big boots
3. Sandals
4. My white gold ring
5. Flowing things
6. Jeans
7. Things that I think a cool but everyone else hates
8. Leather- jackets and coats and the like!

7 Things that anger you:
1. Ill manners
2. Parents that over feed their children
3. People that swear infront of kids
4. Religious fanaticism
5. Evangelism
6. People who won’t take hints
7. Most of my house mates

6 Things you say most days:
1. Bugger!
2. Back of the net!
3. Oh… Cook a cat!!!!

4. Well shave my legs and call me smoothy!
6. …and Steven the Hedgehog

5 Things you do everyday:
1. Read
2. Enjoy the scenary
3. Chuckle heartily to myself about… anything really
4. Spend ten minutes considering whether it is worth shaving
5. Play on a computer of some description

4 People you want to spend more time with:
1. My Family
2. Div
3. My various scattered friends

4. Amy

3 Movies you could watch over and over again:
1. Withnail and I
2. Nightmare Before Christmas
3. Monty Python’s Holy Grail

2 Of your favorite songs at the moment:
1. Kaiser Chiefs: Everyday I Love You Less and Less
2. Muse: Time is Running Out

1 person you could spend the rest of your life with:
1. I have no idea!

– height: 5’7"… I think
– shoe size: 7-8
– hair color: Dark Brown
– siblings: 1 brother (19), 1 Sister (13) 

– movie you rented: Team America: World Police
– movie you bought: The Secret of N.I.M.H.
– song you listened to: InMe: Lava Twilight
– song stuck in your head: The Balamory theme tune.. damn kids!
– person you’ve called: Mum
– person that’s called you: Lovely Lianne
– show you’ve watched: Does the 10 o’ clock news count?
– person you were thinking of: Probably myself… I’m like that

– you have a crush on someone: Yes… sigh!
– you wish you could live somewhere else: I’m far too flighty, so yes I suppose!
– you believe in online dating: No, though if push comes to shove… <br/

-others find you attractive: Not in the least- I look like a troll in a sack!
– you want more piercings: I do! 
– you like cleaning: GOD NOOOOOOO!!!!!
-you write in cursive or print: Depends on the situation

– food: Mum’s seafood lasagne
– thing to do: Wander aimlessly
– drinks: Champagne
– clothes: My Grenadier Guard tunic
– movies: Withnail and I
– holiday: Southern Brittany

– ever cried over a girl: Yes…
– ever cried over a boy: Yeah, but not like ‘that’!
– ever been in a fist fight: Regretably yes!
– ever been arrested: No, but I’ll keep trying!

– shampoo do you use: Fructis Sleek and Shine
– shoes do you wear: New Rock boots or CAT sandals
– are you scared of: goats and death
– number of people I would classify as true, friends: I don’t count
– number of people I consider my enemies: 3

– disney movie: Robin Hood/Mulan
– word: Bugger!
– nickname: Tommykins/ Bombadil
– eye color: Green
– flower: White Roses and White Lillies

– pretty: No
– funny: No
– hot: Temperature wise maybe!
– friendly: Yes
– amusing: Yes, in a quaint way!
– ugly: Yes
– loveable: No
– sweet: No
– dorky: Yes!!!!!!

Wallet – Moth ridden and abandoned
[ x ] Jewellry worn daily – Silver Ankh on a chain, plain white gold ring 
[ x ] Pillow cover – depends which ones are clean!
[ x ] Underwear – Blue check- very staid!
[ x ] Favorite shirt –  Awhite Moss shirt that I wear my Batman cufflinks with!
[ x ] Perfume/cologne – Versace Blue Jeans

[ x ] CD in stereo right now – Kaiser Chiefs: Employment
[ x ] What you are wearing now –  Transformers Tshirt and tatty jeans
[ x ] In my mouth – teeth and stuff I suppose
[ x ] In my head – Considering how tired I am!
[ x ] Wishing – I had some money
[ x ] After this – SLEEP TIME! 
[ x ] Person you wish you could see right now – Div
[ x ] Something you’re looking forward to in the upcoming month – Payday.
[ x ] Do you like the taste of blood – It has a pleasant metallic twang!
[ x ] Do you believe in love – Yes.
[ x ] Do you believe in Heaven – Not at all!
[ x ] What do you want done with your body when you die – Buried.
[ x ] If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be – A horse
[ x ] What’s your favourite coin – The highest denomination I can lay my hands on!


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david bowie and eric claptin *two thumbs up* rock on *Random* ~Amanda~

aslong as its not country or rap…than im fine with it rock on ~Amanda~

A shrrrrubbbery!!!! Hello my precious (Stop calling me gollum (Did I spell it right this time!?!?)an entry at last! Yay! Thank you for mentioning me *Blushes* I’m lovely *Blushes more!* But stop saying you are ugly. You are a lovely fuzzy little peach! I have to go to work now. Boooo! Lianne Marie xXx

August 17, 2005

heheheh mmm surveys

August 18, 2005

RYN. Hi there. I’m pretty good. I’m totally with you on looking forward to Pay Day.. a few more purchases and I will be into my overdraft. Is the Transformers movie a new one?

August 18, 2005

ryn: your comments actually made me giggle. the girl that works in my office looked at me funny. i think i’ll have to try the throwing evildoers off of a bridge thing soon. thanks for the idea!

consider this survey thingy…..stolen <3

you sure you’ve never cried over a boy “like that”!?!? Cause I dunna believe you!! Holy Grail, that’s a good movie to watch when I’m sad. Then again, Adagio for Strings would be just the right mood music. I’m so torn! What else is new…