The Tragical History Tom…

Bonsoir and all that jazz. I am sitting in the little back room of my land lady (ooh matron) and am sipping a cheap bottle o’ chardonnay. I have bought a CD of classical stuffs which I am listening to with my ear holes. I can’t complain too heavily. I’m looking for a flat of my own at the minute though, as I don’t want to wear out the lovelitude of my welcome. I do get looked after. Oh yes.

I may have found a cheap flat to dwell in- tis but £200 a month which is almost erotically cheap. That’s if I manage to get it. Which I probably won’t…  Nevermind. I’m going to get a snake too- either a chequered garter snake or an albino king-cali. I like snakes- they have cutesy little faces and eat insects and spiders and things that scare me- like burglars, goats and heights.

I have also one terribly emo and purchased two evanescence albums. I know, the shame is unbearable. Nevermind, at least I’m not a member of My Chemical Romance.

What else… ah yes. I now have full time hours, which are similar to part time hours onl fuller. I’m a kitchen assistant as well now you see. This means I wash pots and complain while making wry, sarcastic and witty (?) comments. I appear to be doing quite well at it too. I like having a few pennies to spend- I can buy CDs- I haven’t bought many CDs for 5 years. I’m even considering socialising with people other than my land lady and MartinandNicky Incorporated. This might mean I end up getting drunk and bringing shame on my family name- all the other stuff that makes life worthwhile.

I’m starting an NVQ again too- Level 3 in Childcare, Learning and Development. It is boring and uninteresting on Oh so many levels, but it does mean I get better qualified and can apply for a job as God, or at least the Holy Ghost or similar.

I have just recieved a text saying I may be able to get a house for £60 a week. A HOUSE!!!! I can afford that! I may be in a home soon. I will fill it with snakes to protect me from the goats. I’m all excitermicated. I probably won’t get this one either…

Well, on this note I shall stop polluting your eyes with my filth… so to speak… and let you get on with whatever lurid activities take up your evenings… toodleoo…



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June 6, 2007

hello from cali. random reader here, i like ur writing style, ur very witty. mind if i add u to my faves? ~sivai~

June 6, 2007

Good luck! I’m looking at houses, also. It’s quite overwhelming.

June 6, 2007

hi again. by the way, how much is 200 euro? all i know is, the euro is worth more than the american dollar. oh yeah, RYN, thanx for ur email addres. here’s mine: i’m also on myspace under princesspineapple and under cherrytap under thepineapple queen, should u ever feel like being my stalker, hee hee 😉 being 1/2 samoan, i have a thing for pineapples, lol. Godspeed, Sivai

June 6, 2007

snakes eat heights? I should get a snake… except they are scary. Do goats eat heights? yay for awesome house-offer 😀

June 6, 2007

snakes are good, have fun with them:D toodles and take care ~ Abby xox

June 6, 2007

You should definitely get a snake, they make great pets 🙂 I have a corn snake called Alice (after Alice Cooper) and if I had the space I’d love to get some more. I really want to get a Western Hognose and a Blue Beauty

June 6, 2007

Oh Tom I do love you. And RYN: You can ask all you want! If you ever answered your bloody phone I’d have been abe to tell you!!!!!!!! Lee Mee xXx

June 6, 2007

Tomety of Tomliness!!! How I have missed thee!

June 7, 2007

It sounds very excitermicating! I find goats quite frightful creatures too xXx

Wow, I want a house for less than a billion dollars. Glad you too are not a MCR fan… I like buying CDs, and wearing big headphones. I am pathetically rebelling against everything popular with all of my everything. That includes being a nerd who donates time (and money) every month to the environment and other generally non-fun things, just because I don’t expect crappy hobbies to become popular.I am writing you a new letter! I shall continue it this weekend. Can you call me again sometime? I miss your lovely voice! –Carolyn of America

August 9, 2008

Heh… snakes.