The Sands of Time

I’m now 22! Aren’t I a poor old thing?

(The answer is yes if you were wondering…)

And, as my social and general life is SO rivetting, as a birthday treat I have… come in to work to open up the shop. Huzzah, lucky me! I do get brandy coffee courtesy of my boss though, so it’s all good!

So far for my Birthday I have recieved:

1) £100: Mother and Father

2) £25: Aunty Kate

3) A bottle of Guiness from the Dublin Brewery: Dave

4) Pokemon 4Ever DVD: Kenny

Pokemon DVD…. hmmmm, a micky take I do believe… though I do play pokemon an awful lot… Is that tragic for a 22 year old man?

(The answer is yes if you were wondering…)

Still haven’t decided what to do, so I may take myself out for a meal. Or throw rocks and fluffy woodland animals at the pope. I think the former is the most likely, though not, strictly speaking, the most fun…

Well, I’m just going to leave you in peace now as I’m considering whether this is the most pitiable entry I have yet written…

(The answer is yes if you were wondering…)

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October 16, 2005

*Morphs into Stevie Wonder* “HAPPY birthday to ya, Happy Biiiirthday, HAPPY birthday to ya, Happy Biiiirrrthday….” *Morphs back* Heh heh heh. Lianne Marie xXx

October 16, 2005

well, welcome to the age of 22. so far it’s been amazing for me, so I am wishing you the same fortune for yours. in other words, Happy Birthday, Tom. *bakes you an awfully large cake* 😀

October 16, 2005

oh, and RYN: lol, you’re so hilariously odd, man. Happy Birthday, again!

October 16, 2005

Happy Birthday mate! I wish I was 22 again…my eyesight would be a hell of a lot better and I wouldn’t go around saying people look like ‘Wayne’ out of ‘Wayne’s World’!

October 16, 2005

I may be slow, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! You are very old now… in 2 weeks I turn a measly 21 lol. Pokemon rocks. Does my thinking that make me a sad individual? =) *birthday hugs*

October 17, 2005

Ah don’t worry about the Pokemon thing.. my brother is 28 and still likes to play the game… me I just like the names and have been known to wander round murmuring happily… pi-ca-chu. RYN, I am pleased to say the theatre is in Bristol – I am so glad that this city is arty. However for cheap seats… 10p … try the Jerwood Theatre in Sloane Sq. PS> happy birthday (belated)

October 17, 2005

happy birthday. it all seems very tragic. i don’t think you’ll get close enough to the pope to throw those things at him. good luck trying, though.

I played tennis against people who cleaned the floor with me figuratively all day on my birthday. Le sigh.

October 20, 2005

happy birthday, my dear! I am sorry my greeting got to you late. Sounds like you had a smashing day, and got smashed as well! I’ve never tried brandy with coffee…I usually use Bailey’s or Irish Cream….glad you had a great time!