The First Day of my Life

First Day Of My Life by Bright Eyes
Video code by eVideoCodes


My Kate sent me this song and it made me cry… I’m not particularly emotional, so this scares me. Except it doesn’t- I’m far too smug! God this past week has just gone in a dream-like state!

I have my esteemed pen-friend and online associate Carolyn coming to visit me this Sunday which will be intriguing, what with us never having met and all! I’m sure it will be a blast even though I am bankrupt and can’t get any time off work… Oh well, I shall do my bestest!

In other news, me and the Kate are working on THE PLAN™ which will hopefully see us spending protracted periods of time together- it must all work out fine in the end I’m sure! Much frolicking will be had. By me mainly. I love a good frolick once in a while. Yes, I’m kinky.

This entry was supposed to be goo and soppiness free, but I just spoke to Kate on the phone and with this song playing… God, I don’t know where I am anymore! I’m so happy- a feeling one normally doesn’t associate with me- I’m good at grumping. The words in this song say it all really. Your’s is the first face that I saw- think I was blind before I met you. I know that the shadow of Ali has finally been laid to rest in some dank corner where she belongs. Aaah, Kate. How unusual you are. I should probably have wriiten something beautiful about you, but I haven’t invented a word great enough to describe you yet. My heart is sure it knows what to say, but sadly it isn’t on speaking terms with my mind- something about not being sent a Christmas card I expect…

Oh yeah, the inspection at work went well, even though I was dawdling round in a daze thinking about things and smiling vaguely to myslef. I’m sure I’ll soon be fired. Out of a cannon. Into the north sea. Yes.

St Patrick’s day is finally over, and as such I can return to my house, probably to find my housemates comatose. Or arguing. Or both- multi-talented so they are. And excellent at leaving shite in the bath. Literally. Eh-hem…

Well, as I have no brain tonight I will have to leave the entry at this. I shall try and find the inspiration to write more. I spend all my time trying to invent Kate-based adjectives, which is time consuming and unwieldy. I keep showing people her pictures and everyone thus far, without a single exception has said some variation on: She’s BEAUTIFUL- what’s she doing with you??? My sentiments exactly. But I’m smug that she is with me, so I suppose that’s what counts!






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I am so frolicky and happy for you and Kate. Luvy dovies!!! 😀 Happy happy joy joy. xxx

hehehe i would pay to see a comatose argument, perhaps they could also throw in some frolicking as intermission between arguing? or the argument could be the intermission.. yes! it will be an international success called The Comatose Frolickers, i’ll get onto my people & book venues & organise sponsors mwahahaha this is possibly the most random note i have ever left anybody! xxx

March 17, 2006

awww yay for frolicking

March 17, 2006

Oh my little Tomety is all grown up! Don’t worry about last night, you know what i’m like when i’m sick, I can’t string a sentence together. (Don’t you DARE say it! I KNOW what you’re thinking) I shall do to you as the housemate did. And do a pooh in your bath. But in a loving way of course. A pooh of love. Lianne Marie xXx

March 18, 2006

Pooh coated winkle Lee xXx

March 18, 2006

Pigeon winkle. That’s what Lianne meant. xxx

March 18, 2006

jesus, you’re becoming a mushpot. so am i though, so i really can’t talk.

If the damned video code wanted to play nicely with my computer, I’m sure I’d be all emotional and pleased, too.So how do you go about “flashing the Kate” to people? Do you just wander up and say, “MY GIRLFRIEND!” and then whip her picture out, or is it more complicated?

March 18, 2006


March 18, 2006
March 19, 2006

ah you two are so cute. SOOOO glad your both SOOO Happy x x Nat

March 20, 2006

Indeed Kate is very beautiful =) I’m happy for you both. Treat her well =)

March 20, 2006

oh this is wonderful news sweetie darling! I am soooo extremely bloody buggery bollocky HAPPY for you!!! You two deserve all the best! (how’s that for gushing? LOL)

I loved todays note….looking for you and lee on MSN..but nobodies around… Love you though. I like the exploding shovel bit, send it!!! lol xxx

April 3, 2006

hey there…how are ya? I haven’t seen you around lately. You okay?