The Bethesda Both Worlds
Yes, it is looking increasingly likely that I will be living in my £60 a week house in Bethesda. And as it’s in Snowdonia and half way up a mountain the view from the house is amazing!
I spent this weekend in the company of Martin and Nicky and did some strimming of the garden for my land lady. She then bought me beer and fed me curry! I have a hard life- you must all pity me, surely?!
I may get some pet firebelly newts as well as snakeses as they are cheap. Much like myself.
It’s too hot. I hate heat waves and humidity. I like cold waves and… umm…. Humidity, hum-idity… ermm…. songidity. That’s the wittiest I can manage. And that, ladies and jelly tots, is why I am on minimum wage.
Anyway, as I am rapidly running into negative inspiration I will let thee lie.
Adieu! Adieu! Adieu! Remember me…. (10 points to whoever can name the Shakespeare play from which that is extracted.)
depends on what kind of points they are….
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It’s terribly hot today, ps, I love the style of your writing, very nice. and that line is from Hamlet, I had to read that in high-school hence why I remember.
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your writing is fun to read. hope you’re having a nice now over there. *peace signs and smiley faces*
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It’s Hamlet isn’t it? I am going to call you this evening and you are going to answer and we are going to chat and giggle about newts. Particularly the newts in Matilda. I love you crazy lady. YOU GOT THE HOUSE!!!! Lee Mee xXx
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Parting is such sweet sorrow. -Carolyn
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I thought Carolyn said “Parking is such sweet sorrow”. Oh it is, it is, especially when it’s metered. L60/wk sounds beautifully cheap for a house. What will you do with all the space?
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