Tales of Suspense

A cramped study in provincial England. Several boxes sit around the room, left in situ after frantic, fevered searching for some item of little import, now forgotten. In the corner stands a cheap bureau, it’s surface cluttered with the varied detritus of a disorganised life- here a receipt, there a discarded can, several cd cases, sweet wrappers, and nestled unfeasably amidst the mess, a computer.
Slumping infront of the gently whirring machine, a pale, wasted fighure sips from a can of substandard lager, purchased from a substandard supermarket after a substandard day. Reaching to one of the many bags buy his feet, he selects one and pulls out a shining white box, containing an internet dongle, his one, final attempt to reconnect with a world long since become bleak and uncaring. Plugging the new piece of technology into the machine, the figure squints as the screen comes to light and life, words playing across it’s shimmering surface. Pallid and shaking, a hand begins to type. The following words appear upon the screen:

A cramped study in provincial England. Several boxes sit around the room, left in situ after frantic, fevered searching for some item of little import, now forgotten. In the corner stands a cheap bureau, it’s surface cluttered with the varied detritus of a disorganised life- here a receipt, there a discarded can, several cd cases, sweet wrappers………..


Now now, simmer down. It’s not really that exciting, I just thought that now I’m now an internet I should show some willing. I have, since my last meaningful entry, moved to a new house, recieved two promotions and, erm… got married. Shocking no? But yes, it is true. I’m not going to mention the glories of my relationship on here however as the last two I have mentioned have exploded magically as soon as the file was saved. My love life is for me only, unless I get drunk and begin posting erotic images. Again…

Anyway, all is well, and I’ll speak to you all later! Toodles!

The Tom

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Congratulations. 🙂

July 24, 2012

DONGLE OF GLORY!!!! If something goes horribly wrong with my daughter and she comes out with a willy, we’ve decided to call her Thomas, what do you think? Lee Mee xXx

July 24, 2012

RYN: so it was your fault my bottom is broken, not the 18 mile cycle!! Bastard!! Lee Mee xXx

Oh how I’ve missed you and your silly words around here! *glomp*

July 24, 2012

You big twat, for a moment there I was quite certain you were about to repeat your first paragraph in its entirety and I EXPLODED WITH JOY! Harrumph on you! Harrumph for my explosion! (I secretly love it.) This is good. It’s quite almighty that you’re back – if anything, it warms my cockles – and long may this continue! I, too, have recently made a comeback, as you’re well aware; and yes,your lack of interest in my witterings is DISGUSTING and I’m highly offended, but I’ll forgive you because you’re worth it. Like L’Oreal. Or a nice Mr Kipling bun. Looking forward to hearing your almighty tales, dear sir. I have missed you, as always. xxx

July 24, 2012

P.S. I forgot Mr Avocado existed! But now that you’ve reminded me, I shall fantasize about him daily.

July 25, 2012

this is all w00table! glad you’re doing well, and I hope it all keeps a-rolling. *OD-buddy-huggies*

July 26, 2012

Oh my days!! Congrats! xxx