Surprise Surprise.

Well, I broke up wih Louise, thus rendering that our my shortest relationship since primary school which does amuse me somewhat! And don’t worry guys, this isn’t a Tom and Claire style break down this time- I’m absolutely fine. A little disappointed because she’s a nice girl and stuff but, to be honest, I don’t think she really got me anyway. She just found my quirks amusing and that isn’t really the foundation for a relationship. In the same way that I love Bill Bailey but don’t want to nuzzle erotically into his back hair.

Last night I went to a barbeque at my friends house which, in my usual pain-in-the-arse fashion, I took over the cooking of… I hate watching other people barbeque because they do it wrong. Yes there is a wrong way. Anyway, I made some home made burgers which were divine and were universally devoured by the hungry masses. I was drinking continuously from 4.30 until 2 as well and maintained a perfect level of sobriety. I worry about how concrete my stomach is sometimes! I even drank Babycham which, for your information, tastes like sweetened toilet duck. Don’t, just don’t.

Today my plans can be said to be limited at best. What with having none and all. I might try and put a video entry on here later if anyones interested in hearing my rasping tones and observing my wizened and melancholy face. I’ll probably just be chatting about drinking tea, eating crisps and how much of a retard everone except me is, but there we go, that’s me. Throw me a note if you want me to do it as I’m not wasting my time doing that if nobodies going to watch it. I really am that dismissive of writing in this thing.

Anyway, I think that safely covers most things. I shall let thee run free through meadows of flax. And weasels.


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Im probably a nobody but wouldnt mind being told what a retard I am via the medium of video entrying!

July 18, 2010


July 18, 2010

A video entry would be great. Do it!

July 18, 2010

I DEMAND a video entry. Demand it. and soon we shall video chat! SQUEE! Lee Mee xxx

I would love to see a video entry. I promise to watch.

July 18, 2010

a video entry would be cool, but it’d be cooler if you could put some of those burgers into an entry and lets us all have one. stupid lack of that kind of technology. anyway, I hope you’re having as nice of a now as you can over there. *peace signs and smiley faces*

I’ll watch it….*stalk stalk*

Do the video! I won’t be able to watch it until Friday, but still! 😀