Schfifty Five

5  things about me:

 * I have an in-built hatred of modernity 

 * I am a terrible nerd and like… WARHAMMER… Oh the humanity! 

 * I am the ultimate bookworm and devour them in their thousands (metaphorically) 

 * I loathe the way I look 

 * I have an Elf obsession 


Five details about your appearance right now.

 *I have long hair that is all over the place 

 *I am wearing a white shirt with the cuffs undone (yawn…) 

 * I look vaguely like a bonsai troll 

 *I have huuuuuuge bags under my eyes (not shopping bags, however…) 

 * I am wearing my clompy-stompy New Rock boots 


 Five things you did yesterday 

 *Looked after my kids at work 

 *Scolded my cat for breaking one of my plates- grrrr! 

 *Engaged in… ummm…. herbal intake… 

 * Went down the pub with the ever lovely Christina



Five memorable things you did in the last year

 *Very little… 

 * Still haven’t thought of anything


<p align="

center”>  * Still blank 


 *Yes… it was a thrilling year… 


Five favourite singers

 *Eric Clapton


 *Norah Jones 

 * Steven Tyler 

 *Matt Bellamy 

 *That woman that sings that song about a slow train crawling up a hill…? 


Five favourite movies

 *Withnail & I 

 *Ed Wood 

 *Falling Down 

 *Interview with the Vampire 

 *Nightmare before Christmas 


Five things that make you happy.

 *My family 


 *Watching my kids play 

 *Meeting interesting people 



Five things that impress you


 *My father 

 *The fact that some people can keep going regardless of the horrors that life throws at them 


 *The imagination of the average child/me… 

 *The intense stupidity of Mr George W. Bush 


<span lang="EN-GB" style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language: E

N-GB; mso-bidi-font-weight: bold”>Five things that Dont impress you.


 *The music charts- for bloody hells sake! 

 * People saying the ‘C’ word.

 *People who are needlessly vulgar


 *The intense stupidity of Mr George W. Bush 



Five things you can’t live without

 *My Family


 *My friends 



 *Internal Organs 


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September 12, 2005

lol, I so love it when there are surveys with answers that are worth reading. I’m also pleasantly surprised that you have a family. I haven’t read much of your diary, so I don’t know these things, but I will read more of it now. hope you’re enjoying your tonight over there. *peace signs and smiley faces*

September 12, 2005

Lord Thomas Anthony Kilby! I was online till after 11 last night hoping you would be! And where are my notes? I have no notes. Not even to laugh at breast honkage. Now I know why you’ve been off all week. *covers face melodramaticaly* Drugs. It’s drugs. He has been smoking the devil’s weed. *sobs* Another young one lost, and such a promising paduan. Lianne Marie xXx

The woman who sang the song about a slow train going up a hill = Katie Melua

I agree with you on the Chavs front. A load of them hang around in the carpark at work and steal crayons from the kids area or straws or equally useless stuff. So sad!

That’s spiffy, darling, but what does this entry have to do with the amazing flash creation that is Schfifty Five? I am so happy that I can watch hermit crabs online… They like napping, you know! I miss you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much, I used up a lot of my alotted comment space to type “so” with lots of extra unnecessary letters, just to show you how much I care!

September 18, 2005

I nominated Horse Badger for readers choice. Horse Badger is the reader’s choice! GET YOUR ASS BACK ON OD RIGHT NOW THOMAS ANTHONY KILBY!!! I want notes too… and I want them now! Lianne Marie xXx

September 18, 2005

hey there!!! I have you on my favourites list but for some reason it hasn’t been telling me you’re updating! DANGIT!!! hope you’re doing swell!

September 19, 2005

Oh darling… I’ve only read a couple of your entries, and have found myself hooked. What’s more, you’re one of the rare beings that has even heard of Withnail & I, let alone list it as one of their favourite films, and you are therefore now one of my favourite diarists. Consider yourself blessed. No, really. Kate. x

September 29, 2005
