Scandinavian Furnishings

Hello to thee, oh wise people of the world. And Lianne. I have actually got ten minutes free time (yes a whole 10) in which to update what I laughingly call my diary. So here it is.

As I have absolutely nothing to talk about it’s not going to be the hellsapopping rollercoaster ride you’ve all come to expect, but I shall try my best. And who knows, there may even be a mention of BADGERS in here somewhere (other than that one of course).

I have one month left in my little house, and four months left in Bangor. That is a weird sensation, especially as I am now one with the sheep. Yes I get buggered. Only sometimes though. Like never. Moving to Taunton will be odd, mainly because they all talk funny. They pronounce cock as carck for a start. "Will yoo ge’ yoor cark owta moi face" would be a typical Somerset sentence- I know Kate says it to me all of the time. Except she doesn’t. Often.

I bought The Sims 2 yesterday and did a Tom and Kate house. She’s having a Lesbian affair with a woman named Cassandra (while married to me no less) and I’m having an affair with a black woman named Ivy and Mick the grocery man. We had sex in the hot tub. Oh yes. It’s amazing how closely these computer games can mirror life.

As warned, the conent of this diary is of less substance than deep space, but then you were warned. Any complaints should be posted to:

Francois de’Fruites
Gannets Swonnicles
459 Pink Oboe Cul de Sac

Do so now… Go on.

Right, now that you’re back I’ll end this entry. I will end it like this.

P.S. Badgers. 

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February 25, 2007

*giggles* even though they are complete pish, i do enjoy your entries 🙂

February 26, 2007

BBBBAAAAADDDGGGEERRRRS! *doffs cap to Susan* I love you. And I shall tell her NO SUCH THING unless you send me cake. And not even regular cake – I want sophisticated cake. Like Arctic roll and custard. Lee Mee xXx

February 26, 2007

hehehehehehehe, you’re such a fun read, man. life seems like it’s getting a little exciting for you. hope you’re having a nice today over there so far. *peace signs and smiley faces*

February 26, 2007

Sims 2 is a lot of fun and craziness, I love it. badgers badgers to you

March 3, 2007

Love you Tombellina xXx

March 9, 2007

Oh i so had the sims the other day and had an affair with the next door neighbour…not as scandalous as you but i’m getting there *grins* This is lala by the way…the young, innocent thing you spoke to on msn briefy with Lianne one fine evening xXx

March 10, 2007

You are awesome 🙂

March 22, 2007

Tom. You are a batard. Which is french for bastard. Which you are.

Thought I would come round for a hello, old friend….I see you are up to your old shenanigans…lol I miss that and I miss you. Glad to hear you and Kate are still cooing one another ♥ xxx

My badger mentioning quote is fulfilled. Thank you. I should make you on the Sims 2, since I also have it, and am running out of people to make. Jillyanne made someone called Esther Bunny who is a whore. She has 17 “loves” right now. Sick sick sick.