Saturday: The Day of Blissful Nothingness.

Today I got out of bed at 1pm. Not because I’m lazy mind you. No no no no no. Not me. Not at all. I was held hostage there by ummmm… by…. my goldfish, yeah that’s it. They looked at me maliciously and I was forced to read a book. That’s why I did it.

Except it wasn’t. It’s because I’m a lazy, dirty little man with no more right to live on God’s clean earth than a weasel. But that’s My Perogative (Brittney Spears title there for Lianne. She’s old Brit’s biggest fan you know. She has posters and everything. And limited edition Brittney Spears pants. *Runs and hides*). So, I can some up my actions for the day in the following list:

1) Got up at 1pm

2) ummmm…..

3) That’s it.

I am going out this evening though, for a slap up binge in the Greek Taverna. All for free. I intend to get very drunk, very full and very stupid. I’ve already achieved the last one, so I’m just waiting for the other two to fall into place and I will be a happy man. I might eat dolmades. I know they may look like dead mice fried in glue, but if they taste the same I’m all for them (ed. You are an idiot). WHO IS THAT ED. BLOKE????

Following this I intend to lead the Macedonians into victory and the ownership of all of Europe, Asia Minor and North Africa. And then I’ll play on my laptop (fnar-fnar! NERD JOKE!). I really should get out more. Though having said that, if I was to do such a thing the world would be forced to know more of me- a dangerous thing for all involved! Instead I will stay in my hovel and amuse myself in my own dangerous little ways. And harass my cat CALLED DANTE (hi Lianne….) and not Mr Whiskerson or (as my cock-flavoured housemates keep calling him) Jinxy. That is really beginning to peeve me. I may kill them, just to show them I’m boss. I’m like that. A bit murdery. Except I’m not…

I spoke to my Kate (yes MINE!! ALL MINE!!!!!! I own her due to an ancient gypsy prophesy…) and she was stoned for a change. Doesn’t happen often…. Not at all…. Anyway, was most pleasant to chat with her again and I’m sure she will comment if she eventually gets round to reading this entry. Though she might not. She’s like that.

I want to paint Warhammer but I can’t be arsed and can’t find any of my paintbrushes. I’m rubbish, me! If I get anything good painted I’ll post an example of my painting skills. Not that any of you care, but if this was a dairy I’d show you my cows. As it’s a diary I’ll show you stuff about me. Live with it. Like people live with furniture. Or horses. I’m odd….

Anyway, I’m going to leave you all here now as I need to get ready for food bingeing. Ta ta.

Tom, the Food Queen.


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HOW many mentions did I get?! *laughs* I feel so special… or maybe that’s because i’m ALL DRESSED UP AND ON MY WAY OUT!!!! Look at us Tomety, we’re getting a social life! Hurrah! BOLLOCKS to Britney Spears, even your taunting cannot dim my mood. I intend to get drunk and call you to find out what Greekness you ate. 3am good for you? *giggles*…

… Cem already called me in the bath, Chelle whilst I was drying my hair and so I may as well call you during the exciting bit (When I come home and REMOVE MY MAKEUP! OOOOOH!) That’ll key you up what? *laughs* I’ve had too much champagne already BUT I DONT CARE! Hi Mr Whiskerson! Lianne Marie xXx

PS – Eat some Hummus. You know you want to! Hummus and Feta and Olives OH MY!!! FREE BAR BABY!!!!!! Lianne Marie xXx

hello mr. tomety… I am so bored, will you please intertain me? whiskers? Are u wearing underware? xxx

February 25, 2006

I wish this was a dairy… cows are amusing

February 26, 2006

You’re like a Sharon Fruit. Interesting and different, Few people know of your existence. But once tried you are a rare pleasure. Belive in yourself

February 26, 2006

Or I will kick your ass. Lee xXx

February 26, 2006

lol thanks for your note, i agree, they’re both pretty retarded. ah that video always cracks me up =) its sunday..and i got out of bed at 2pm and have done nothing always leading the active life me.. take care x

February 27, 2006

LOLLLLLLL sooo did you eat dolmades? i can make those, you know. would you like me to? xxx

February 27, 2006

“Though she might not. She’s like that.” SOB! You git face. You know I read all your entries (eventually). Cock to my lack of Internet. P.S. Please don’t be a Sharon fruit. Sharon isn’t a cool name. Be a cumquat. xxx

February 27, 2006

I retract my previous statement. You are not a sharonfruit. YOU ARE A CUMQUAT! *dies laughing* Also – where the F*ck did you go on Sunday? I went upstairs and had a 30 minute bath whislt waiting for you and you still didn’t reply! Then your boss started chatting to me! How random!?! Lianne Marie xXx

March 3, 2006

:O You lazy little… I got up at 3pm today. 😉

Hello. I am a secret admirer and I think you are very fabulous and sminky and wish to caress your love knees whilst you eat walkers sensations and pick your teeth afterwards. Was that good for you? *giggles*

March 4, 2006

It’s Saturday and I just woke up. It’s 12:35 pm. I feel lazy, but I have to wake up at 6:30 every other morning. It’s a nice break. Our conversation yesterday cheered me up. Thanks!! <3

March 5, 2006

My Nana has an oaty quim. Lianne Marie xXx

Attention, Name Change from Chanel Girl to T E E N S. I needed the change luvy! xxx

I dreamt about you last night!!! xxx