
See, I’m writing a message on remebrance sunday to see if you still remember me- isn’t that witty and clever and tedious? All these things and more will ooze out of this entry as you read on. filling your mind with absolutely nothing of value… like most of my entries really… Tolkien I aint!

Well, it’s been another umpteen thousand years since my last entry, and this is due to my abduction by aliens. This is a lie. Sorry. It’s actually because I am tired and lazy- yup, that just about covers it!

I went back to Essex again last weekend, with Kenny this time, and had a catch up with some friends I didn’t get to see around my birthday- it was nice but could have been a lot more exciting! Kenny just talked and watched football (soccer for you foreign American types) which I LOATHE!!! Oh well, at least I got drunk and mother cooked a smashing sunday lunch! That’s possibly the first time I’ve ever wrote ‘smashing’ in that context- Hoorah, I have lost my smashing virginity! Now that just sounded odd:

Me: I lost my virginity mother

Mother: Oh, smashing darling!

Creepy. Infact, saying that to my mother would be creepy. She’d probably stab me through the knees with a hog for doing such base and natural things… Bless her destructive little heart!

I must apologise to lovely Lindsey, and Carolyn and Lianne and Sez and Squiddy and Capulet and Elaine and all my other regulars for my lacksity in a) emailing and b)keeping in touch generaly and hope you can all forgive me as I’m only small and don’t like being punished… well, not much anyway…

I started my NVQ (National Vocational Qualification) last Friday, and let us just say the entrance exam was a touch… simple maybe… i.e. If I had £10 and spent £6 on cinema tickets, how much would I have left…

Yes. Then we had an equally easy literacy test. I got 100% on both, needless to say! I might as well have just waved my A* GCSE certificates in their faces and skipped off laughing before falling down a mine shaft and discovering lost pirate treasure… ahhh, the miracle of hindsight! So anyway, I’m getting edumacated again!

Anyway, I’d better go and leave all you little reprobates notes!

Don’t be bad while I’m away, that’s my job!

Tom, the Lord of the Dance (twinned with the Lord of the Rings)


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November 13, 2005

How glorious it is that you feel your mother would consider the sacrifice of you virginity smashing. I have fallen deeply in love with your mother. Well done on starting the NVQ, and the best of luck. xxx

November 13, 2005

*random noter* I liked your entry. 🙂

November 13, 2005

Dammmit! Kate how did you get first not before me!?!?! About bloody time Tombellina! Missed you chicken! Lianne Marie xXx

November 13, 2005

w00t. i like it when you type words! =D

November 13, 2005

awww, damnit, the other half of my brain stole the words I was gonna use, lol. yeah, you entries make me giggle on a Sunday morning, and that’s a feat that’s only been accomplished by one other thing, and she noted this entry, too. hope you’re still being hilarious today.

November 13, 2005

My Dear Doom Hippy, how could I EVER forget you? I hope we do chat soon 😀

November 13, 2005

you’re allowed to get drunk at your mother’s? cool 😀

November 13, 2005

Dude! Sorry I missed you on MSN earlier… we can blame my mother for this. Consider yourself added, however, and I shall hopefully be available for chat threesomes in the near future. xxx

hi! The wrinkled muppets ROCKED THE HOUSE DOWN for 2 hours and twenty minutes. it was awesome! xoxo

November 14, 2005

Hello! 🙂 I tried to call you as I stated in the email I sent you but however the grand USA would not let the call go through… the bastards! It probably is a good thing it didnt go through because I have a feeling it would have been quite early in the morning and I wouldnt want to upset you by waking you up! Anyway its ok.. I have missed you. Please dont leave again right now. I kinda need you

November 15, 2005

ryn: Thanks darling.. you can make my day and make me smile. While reading your note I laughed for the first time in a couple days! I do appreciate all that you do for me.. would love ya more if you would email me back *Nudge* However I will deal with that! Just think if you lived here I would have no one to hurt me and I could fawn over your sexiness!! 🙂 Love you my English Fox!