Proper Update

Righty-ho then! I know I’ve already done an entry within the last 12 hours but I’m now doing another one as the last one was a little on the short side… much like me!

Anyway, as you’ve probably guessed from the general tone of the earlier update, I had quite a pleasing day yesterday. Quite pleasing indeed. I’d even go so far as to say very pleasing. Even if I, bizarrely, had my t-shirt stolen by passers by while I was in the sea with Louise. Yes, t-shirt theft. People think it’s a victimless crime. I am the face of the victim…

Anyhoo, The day started with me getting up inordinately early through a combination of nervous excitement and the need to tidy my room. Upon doing that I strolled out of the house at the exact time Louise pulled up- spooky-scary, eh?- the wondered up to her car door to say hello and give her a peck on the cheek. Which, quite to my surprise, actually got redirected into a full blown snog. So that was nice, as I was expecting to continue being the chaste gentleman! Anyhoo, from there we watched my Ed Byrne stand up and she looked at my baby photos thanks to a pre-arranged deal in which I forced her mum to show an embarassing photo of her… I’m cruel. And then we went to the beach.

It was all lovely as ever- gorgeously sunny, the sea was unusually clear, the chavs unnaturally t-shirt thievy, and Louise wore a bikini which I found singularly distracting. I felt most perturbed standing next to her beautifully tanned and almost naked body with my limp, dead-flesh-pallid attempt at a physique. Nevermind, she seems to like the wizened nerd look. Sea-based hijinx occured a plenty along the lines of the swimming up and grabbing people’s legs from under them etc. Then she was in my arms and…. Gah.

Anyway, we then went back to mine (I, by now, t-shirtless) and watched 50 First Dates, Team America and an episode of Black Books, then listened to music in the dark. Needless to say there was much fevered kissing and dozing while wrapped around each other and that’s it. Nothing beyond the pale. We were very good. Me particularly so as I’m, according to Lianne, a whore and a floozy. Takes one to know one…

She stayed until just befre 1am then drove home. I saw her out, kissed he goodnight and waved her off. It was an altogether nice day. and I was very well behaved…

Let’s see how this one pans out, eh?

Tom X

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July 4, 2010

HOLY FUCK! Extra updates! Lee Mee xXx PS – First note

July 4, 2010

You’re not short. You’re bijou It was me who stole your t-shirt. I made love to it whilst covered in vaseline like Burt Reynolds. You are indeed a whore and a floozy. It’s why I like you. Lee Mee xXx

Smitten Tom is extra-delightful and amusing. Keep the frequent updates coming, they keep me entertained.

July 4, 2010


*laughs at Lianne’s bijou comment* Who steals a T Shirt? Probably the type of person who throws a shoe!!!! Glad you had a good time dearest xxx

July 5, 2010

this sounds so perfectly healthy and good for you. well done, man. I hope you’re enjoying the bajeezus out of your now. *peace signs and smiley faces*

very nice, made me miss my younger days