Our House, In the Middle of Our etc…

Katie-Lou and I are pleased to announce that our official residence has moved. Well, we have- the other house is still where it was, we live in a different one. If we’d taken the other house with us it would rather have removed the point of moving wouldn’t it now? Duh!

Yes, our existence is marginally more bearable, mainly due to the fact I can get out of bed naked and go to the loo without fear of bumping into a fat vomitting scouser. A benefit, I’m sure you’ll agree!

Anyway, must fly- I’ve got people things to do!

Ta ta!

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People, as in plural? Wow. No wonder you only update occasionally!

October 6, 2006

Avoiding vomiting people is a definite benefit, I think.

October 6, 2006

oh do tell me you’re going to have a superb dinner party to celebrate this life-affirming event!! i shall be trotting up to wales on the first carriage!

A fat vomitting scouser? Sounds like me after a night out! Im really happy for you and Ms Kate re: your new residence (and slightly jellyjealous too!!!) Good luck doing all the people you have to do. 😛

and oooooh ^^^^ a note off the DM….go you!!!! You’re important!

October 6, 2006

awesome, man. glad things are going so well for you two, you’re my favourite OD-buddy couple. *peace signs and smiley faces*

October 6, 2006

You got a note off the DM! Look at you you part time ODer!!!! Are you having a housewarming? Is there room for a large, loud blonde Leeds dweller? Lee Mee xXx

congrats, my fair weathered friend. Hope all is well in your new digs. Tell Kate hello. xxx

October 6, 2006

yay for your own place!

October 7, 2006

Hey Tomcat, it’s your birthday soon – what are your plans? Lee Mee xXx

October 16, 2006

I wanted to leave you a happy birthday note, even though I’ve spoken to you twice already today. Hope you’re still having a FABULOUS time back home with your family – I can’t wait to have you back tomorrow! It’s quiet in our house without you, y’know. Just me and the spiders… oh, and the wine, of course. I shall be having a(nother) glass tonight in your birthday honour. LOVE YOU! xxxxxxxxxxxxx