Nursery Rhymes…

What the diagonal buggery is wrong with the people who invent nursery rhymes? Rock-a-bye Baby for instance… Some evil minded so and so has stuffed a baby up a tree and has now begun singing about the baby’s impending zephyric death. Humpty Dumpty, some sort of GM egg some how being important enough to launch a military mission after a catastrophic wall tumble. The Grand old Duke of York for some reason needing 10,000 men to understand how altitudes work. And Pop Goes the Weasel… how in the name of Edward Elizabeth Hitler does a selection of bakery goods cause the unfortunate bursting of animals from the stoat family? I may be as illogical as putting Stephen Hawkings in charge of a heavy goods vehicle, but surely these songs create such a skewed image for childrens that even my random bouts of near syphillitic insanity pale into insignificance. Kids should be soung nice songs to help them understand the world around them. Such as:

Hush little baby, it’s alright,

Daddy’s going home with his PA tonight.

While mummy hit’s a bottle of cheap whisky

As all her shares have failed according to the FTSE

But at least the weather isn’t all that queer,

Should we start an Ark to send to Yorkshire.

Real world issues with a lyrical twist. The kids will grow up with an air of mature cynicism while I bask in the ill gotten fortunes from my nursery rhyme empire. Apart from the fact that it’s shite.

Anyhoo, that aside I’m bored.

That is all.

P.S. House coming soon!

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June 30, 2007

Hmm. United Kingdom. I knew that by reading the first line. It’s these poor nursery rhymes that make us brits grow up & QUESTION these poor nursery rhymes like they’re the extract from some schizophrenic diary & u know why? No, I don’t know why either. Toodles from a drunk! 😀 😀 x

June 30, 2007

rofl wow it’s been a while since I’ve met a cynic who didn’t take themself too seriously- it’s refreshing actually kudos…for not totally sucking 🙂 Blessed be, -Jess

June 30, 2007

Muahahaha. Yeah, my dog just plays with the packaging. I should make her come to work with me and actually respect the money those toys cost! Furry little bastard she is 🙂

June 30, 2007

So many children’s stories are disturbing and things you’d think people wouldn’t want kids to hear! It ujst makes no sense.

June 30, 2007

hehehe, you’re such a whimsical weirdo. hope you’re having a nice now over there. *peace signs and smiley faces*

June 30, 2007

Tom you scrotum have you copied this from my ba ba black sheep entry??? *giggles* stop not answering the phone you mad hairy hippy bastard. Love you Lee Mee xXx PS – Did you get the naked pictures? No? Oh I must have forgotten, silly me. Oh well there’s a post strike, can’t send them now!!!!

July 1, 2007

Hey, very glad to see someone else understands..that’s one of the greatest tragedies of emo music. && the faries…you see I can’t know for sure, I chose not to. but I would suppose they’re of the winged midget variety with a slight compensation complex and a desire to get back at the world. mind if i add you to my friends? -Jess

July 1, 2007

sweet- we don’t have too many places around here to hike at all and not very many fun ones…but thanks =)

Well if you wait until August to send them, or after August, I will have moved so you may hold off for another few years! I don’t even have the new address yet but we signed the lease yesterday. I’m going to get a cat for my birthday. What shall I name it?

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