New Beginnings.

Ignore the last entry. it all turned out to be bollocks.

Claire, my beloved girlfriend, decided, just over a month after I wrote that, to cheat on me with one of my best friends and then dump me, leaving me lost and bereft in wales and scaringLianne and Kate with midnight breakdown calls. As such I have started my life over again.

I’ve left Wales, land of of sheep, dirt and greyness and have moved back to Essex, land of sun, sea and very reasonably priced doughnuts from the seafront kiosk. I also have a new job working with severely disabled kids as a learning support assistant in a special school. I’ve only just finished my first week but I’m loving it as much as Gordon Brown loves nothing. At all. Bless his sour face.

Speaking of the sack-cloth faced harbinger of misery, wasn’t the general election shite. Nothing of interest happened. Apart from the fact we have a Green Party MP now, meaning that whatever confused and unnatural constituency she runs for will soon be awash with hippies telling them to stop using cars and to hug a tree every day. Man. Have a drag on that. The Green Party. That’s like running an elegant soiree for international ambasadors and then inviting in the guy who lives in the skip ‘out back’. Not that I’m belittling the Green Party obviously. They can do that themselves!

I’m going to look round a flat tomorrow so hopefully I’ll be esconsed in a new lair by the end of the month, meaning people can come afrolicking at my place! I’ll run a Taylor Swift party because I’m butch.

That’s all I’m writing for now so tough.


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I wish you luck in your search for a Taylor Swift love nest! <3

May 7, 2010

That sucks to hear about the girl, but awesome that you have a new start already going well ^_^

May 7, 2010
May 7, 2010

nice to read you again, man. I hope your new beginnings keep going along smoothly. *peace signs and smiley faces*

You should have called me! Time zones and love! I’d have been awake because of being American and all, and would have loved to talk especially if you were sad and DON’T say you couldn’t reach me because you should have emailed me when you found out you needed my new number. And if you don’t know who this is LOL… you called me at work the other day but I couldn’t answer.

May 8, 2010

Oy ****nugget – you know I vote green! *laughs* I FACKING love you, welcome back to OD you were MASSIVELY missed my wife. Lee Mee xXx

May 8, 2010

Glad all is better with you, happy donut chomping. xx

May 10, 2010

You SWINE! Your note left me in pieces on the floor, dear boy. Tears and everything. How hurt I was. Except I wasn’t. LOVE YOU SO MUCH FOR COMING BACK! Keep it clean, squire. And I do believe I missed a call from you the other day? Terribly sorry, I’m just extremely rude. And my battery was extremely dead. Try it again sometime soon, we shall have a catch up. I’m so pleased to hear you sounding so happy, and very glad that things are on the up. Well done, my gorgeous man. You deserved it. SQUISHES! xxxxxxxx

Welcome back dear Tom x

May 18, 2010

Erm, i’m thinking (when i pass my driving test) we should get everyone involved for massive rave up of funness at your place, if i’m not being so awfully rude about inviting myself? Whatcha think? x