My Lucky Willy

Hello interpod peoples! I have returned. My birthday was lovely, thank you all for asking. I had a massive bonfire, my friend nearly drowned on land and I fell asleep only to wake and find someone had left a 1 1/2′ dildo by my face. That’s always a weird wake up call. Especially when you wake up hugging it…

Anyway, all is going well, Claire and I (my lovely lady) are very happy after nearly 9 months and my life is, as near as possible, on track. Which is good in a soft, pink and slightly transluscent way! I’m even on a diet-ette and have found the joy of muesli. My god is it good. Sweet, sweet Muesli, how happy you make me.

I shall right more on Saturday when I’m not using my home’s awfully unreliable interweb. Toodles!


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*lickies you in the face* xxx

October 22, 2009

Oops! That was meeeeee, not an anonymous licker. xxx

October 22, 2009

nice to read you again, man. meusli is awesome stuff, we don’t have enough stuff like it over here. I hope you’re enjoying your now. *peace signs and smiley faces*

October 22, 2009

Ooooh! You didn’t tell me last night that you were updating. For shame! I would have cancelled the sex and read your entry instead. HA! Lee Mee xXx

November 14, 2009

Consider yourself befriended. x

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