Mmmmm… healthy

I’m eating a salad for the fourth day running. Mummy says I will grow into a big boy with hairs on my chest. At the minute I’m a midget with hairs on my arse, so I’m getting there. Mmmm… coleslaw.

Why oh WHY is it called coleslaw- weird word…

Well, this entry is reaching new lows of incoherency…

Oi loik Cayk. Father Jack is da bomb, as they might say in the hood. The Bangor hood is banging, or so I’ve heard. I live in the ghetto instead- the rent is far more reasonable.

I got kept up until three last night by a bloke talking about file names in a flight sim, after I’d had two pints and 6 double scotches. I hadn’t got a clue what he was on about…..


Anyway, must fly!

Gandalf the Gay. Except I’m not.

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November 29, 2006

umm…right. go and add me to your myspazz immediately!! i have sent you a friend request! x

November 29, 2006

I love you. Lee Mee xXx