Lunch Typing!

I have evacuated my supermarket and come up to my office so I can type this for a bit as I am hot, bored and flustered! And long haired, but that’s slightly irrelevant!

Well, I went out for  couple of drinkypoos last night to celebrate my new job- had a few too many and am feeling a touch ‘delicate’! My own fault I suppose! Still, it was good fun and met some amusing enough people! That is the way of the world I suppose- I only ever meet people when a)it’s inconenient timing or b) I’m drunk and don’t think to get contact numbers or anything! Curse my foolishness! Or someone elses- it’s your choice really!

Additonally, I’ve started a little reading club with two of my mates! We are sooooo horrifically nerdy, I’m sure you’ll agree! We are starting with the Lord of the Rings and taking it from there! Hurrah! Yes, a terribly constructive way to pass the time! I must be getting soft in my old age!

Oh well, dinner time over, time to pack away my crisps and return to the big bad world…


Tom, the Lady in the Pond (couldn’t afford a lake…)

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July 23, 2005

heheheheee book club. so amusing.

Well done on getting that job! I was in Denbigh (think thats how its spelt) near Rhyl…it was an experience… Didn’t really think much to Lord Of The Rings to much random description of scenary but I liked The Hobbit.

July 26, 2005

Nothing wrong with reading at all. Probably a lot wrong with starting a ‘reading club’ and naming yourself after some sort of rubbish fantasy character mind…

July 28, 2005

Aenarion’s not some sort of high priest lost prince elf something or other?

August 8, 2005

Kisses Tombellina, you big haired lovely you!