
Ths entry idea is admitedly pilfered from the ever lovely Lianne, but as I don’t really care then no worries! I’m a thief and I knows it!

Well, basically, all you reader type chaps and chapettes have to do is leave me a note with a question for me and I will answer them when i’m on next (hopefully tomorrow). In this way you find out all about me (you poor children) and I get my brain saved from independant thought! What more could a man ask???

Oh, and if any of you fancied seeing what a disgustingly hung over Englishman looks like:



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November 27, 2005

Hello my dear chap. I have a question. How long do you think Kate and I can continue this threesome for> It’s been hours. Arent you exhausted? Hahahhahah. My real question is. Is it in yet? Lianne Marie xXx

November 27, 2005

Very well. If you could change anything in your past what would it be? Lianne Marie xXx

What have you done that your most ashamed of?/ proud of?

November 27, 2005

1. The name of the person you’d least like to get stuck in a lift with: __________.2. What scares you (aside bees)?3. If you could have any one thing in the world handed to you, what would you ask for?4. Do you own any pink socks?5. Better to have loved and lost than never loved at all? Well there we go. That should do it. Have fun, my little beast! xxx

Hair of the dog baby! XOXOX

November 27, 2005

You get to spend one day each as a bird, an insect, and a mammal. What bird would you be? What insect? What mammal? What is your best quality What is the quality you look for in women What is one thing that you will not back down on? If you had to listen to one song over and over again for the rest of your life what would it be? What is your biggest turn on? Lindz

November 27, 2005

whoa. first clear picture I’ve ever seen of a hungover Englishman, and you look haggered. still somewhat presetnable, but haggered. I can never think of questions to ask people for these dealies. hope you’re recovering from the hangover as best you can, man. *peace signs and smiley faces*

November 27, 2005

you are still Hot, even hung over……those lips are driving me crazy!!! Okay my question to you is…. What is an independent thought that you are having after reading this question? (smirk)

November 27, 2005

I meant presentable, of course. silly fingers typoing up my correspondence.

November 27, 2005

LOL! You’re eyebrowing! Oh thats so great. Hmm… question… nope, I got none.

You are an opendiary note whore. That is rhetorical. -Carolyn

How come I didn’t get asked? It could’ve been a 4-some…lol