Kick me in the Crab Hatch

Hello my little fuzz-lumplings, I trust you have been keeping well in my absence. I have. I got over my man-flu and huffiness and am back to my grumpy old self. With Pokemon cards. I have the best collection of them at playscheme now… if only I wasn’t one of the staff I’d be cool.

Well, the past two weeks have, true to form, been uneventful apart from having dinner with the girlfriend of a portugese rock star. That’s quite cool I suppose- living in Wales means I get to mix with all the hoy-paloy. I’m like the Beatles guru bloke whose name may or may not be spelt maharishi. If I’m wrong I don’t care. I’m sure Lianne will correct me. She’s like that.

I went to the pube quiz on tuesday and, after many a drink, staggered back to my homestead with one of my Welsh mates. We then proceded to smoke many ‘herbal’ cigarettes and had a long and complex discussion on the difficulties involved in the creation of maneuverable inter-stellar travel. That’s the problem with getting stoned when you’re a nerd- all hell breaks lose.

I’m sick of looking at my myspace friend requests. Everytime I go on there I have a request from Tits McGee, Horny O’Mara or Lady Pornington inviting me to ogle their more intimate parts on varios sites cunningly linked into myspace. I keep thinking people actually want to be my friend. Unless porn stars are people too and want my erratic friendship (as opposed to my erotic friendship I suppose…) from a hairy, hippy type child carer…

Anyway, as I’ve now had far too much coffee to the point that I’m having minor heart palpitations and chest pains I will bid thee adieu.



P.S. Carolyn, my American Love, wouldst thou mind e-mailing thy address and mobile phone number to me again- I seem to have misplaced the notepad I last wrote them on. I love you.

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Screw Myspaz. Facebook is teh way to go. xxx

April 12, 2008

Oops! That was me! xxx

Have a look at my fanny xxxx

My Fannybook xx

April 12, 2008

hope you’re having a nice now over there, man. *peace signs and smiley faces*

April 12, 2008

Fuzzy-lumplings…I like that one…usually i call all my buddies puddin-pants or sugar boogers….anyways just stopping by!

Ah, so that’s why I haven’t heard from you! Glad you are feeling well-I’m not. I will give you my number noe, and the mailing addy when I have moved into my new place.

April 13, 2008

It’s Mahrishi darling but you were close enough. Love you Lee Mee xXx

April 14, 2008

Myspaz is pants, join facebook. then you can have people like me adding you as a friend you see. better than tits mcgee. probably. not.