It is I!!! I think…

Yes, I have actually gathered enough wherewithall to attempt another entry! Aren’t I an ever changing enigma! No, actually, I’m a lazy pain in the arse, but lets not quibble over the ins and outs of my random phrasing! Anyway, I seem to have finally overcome the main effects of plague, though I still have the odd buboe here and there! Bless the black plague and all it’s little minions (Yes, the black plague DOES have minions- they are named Keith, Clement and Stig o’ Mara, and live in a pond just outside of Abergele.).

 Oh, and Scatterheart me little monkey, Nodolig Llawen is Cymreig for Happy Christmas. I had to type it in a different language, what with me being all pretentious and everything!

 This week at work has been mildly easy, and very little of substance has actually occured. I did get drunk and stuck in the back of a transit van on Tuesday though, which impresses even me. Oh, and our land lord took us all out to get drunk on Thursday, so I’m assuming apocalypse is nigh- when your land lord actually starts spending money on social occasions, you know full well that the devil is abroad (Venezuela) and that his little minions will soon be knocking on your door with a contract for demolition, claiming that your house is in the way of a new inter-hell-circle bypass, due to be built for commuting demons. On their way from Kent. This may well be sheer speculation, however.

 Following this I have been supposed to be collecting my cat from my friends house for the last three days, but instead have just sat there, stayed over and got drunk with her. As such I am writing this entry from her mac… I must get home some day soon, I need a bath! Oh well, bless me and my flith encrusted Socks of Evil(tm). I apologise to all that I haven’t been on MSN for quite some time now, but I’ve been busy. I’m going to try and go on there tonight, but we shall see what happens! I’m terrible for being side trac…. oooohhh, a bee!

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January 15, 2006

Good to hear you are still alive and recoving (ish)! A landlord SPENDING money on you rather than TAKING money from you?! That doesnt sound right, I’d be suspicious!

January 15, 2006

you love the word ‘minions’, don’t you!!? oh, and FLITH encrusted socks…LOLLL! šŸ˜€ good to have you back sweetie!! xxx

January 15, 2006

Omg! Thank you for that bit of grand laughter XD I was browsing random entries, and I must say, yours has to be the funniest one today^_^!

January 15, 2006

you make me laugh. that is a good thing. šŸ˜€ toodles and take care ~ abby xox

January 15, 2006

Shit piss hell and bollocks. I missed you! I only just got home and am stuffed with a 4 course dinner, plus cheese board and port, coffee and biscuits and liqeurs. Bugger bugger bugger. Lianne Marie xXx

January 15, 2006


January 15, 2006

hahaha, noooo, don’t be suspricious. be grateful for your landlord’s generosity and good spirit. glad to hear you’re doing so well, Tomothy. hope it only keeps going so swimmingly. šŸ˜€

January 15, 2006


I always harboured suspicions that demons lived in kent. Thank bob for me being a northen yokel. Ooh-arr.

January 20, 2006

Hey there…I’m a random-diary-reader-addict (yes, it’s a shame I know) and just jumped into yours. Must say that I absolutely adore your diary name…Aenarion…and the way you write…it’s better than the *oh my god I have no life*-entries you come across so often these days. So yeah, basically trying to say hi. Uhm. Hi.

BLESS! glad u r doing good…did the cat get drunk too? xxx

January 21, 2006

*smiles* I’m a monkey! šŸ˜€

January 21, 2006

Such an entertaining entry this was *smiling*