I’m Up Norrrth!

Yes I have made it to Lianne’s den of perversity. How lucky I am!

Well, the train journey was a work of arse and I’m bloody sick of god awful passengers that smell inexplicably of soup. THEY DO!!!! Next time some schmuck sits next to you smell them…

Umm…. anyway, I don’t REALLY have an astounding amount of stuff to say!  I had my visit from the ever lovely Div and got far FAR to drunk to the point where I could vaguely stand up and such like… I also had a two day hangover… never mind eh, such is life!

Cleckheaton looks….. charming…. vaguely…. And Leeds type people seem very… ummmmm… rustic. Yes, they have a certain charm that can only be found amongst the inbreds and the sheep botherers… I’m typing this very quickly before Lianne has a chance to object and destroy me utterly! The taxi drivers here also have a unique method of knowing where everything is. This method is to be absolutely confused and repeatedly ask pointless dumb-arse questions. Bless them.

Anyway, I shall write more when I’m a little more inspired so I shall bid thee adieu!



(The hairy one. With hair.)



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September 23, 2005

*Evil laugh* MUahahahahah! I got Tom to update I got Tom to update! Worship me! Meh! Lianne Marie xXx

September 23, 2005

*worships Lianne* well done, oh fair-haired British one! and about the entry, yeah, what is up with people smelling like soup? it’s nutso!

September 23, 2005


September 23, 2005

LOL sounds like your having a GRAAAAAAAAAAND time i came over from Liannes diary 😉 aren

September 23, 2005

Better they smell of soup than rotten vegetable lasagne.

September 24, 2005

Just clicked through from Lianne’s diary. Hope you are having fun up there.

September 24, 2005

*Worships Lianne* Soup is preferable to urine. You should read my entry titled ‘Organic Hangover’ (at least I think it’s that one) – now there’s a journey from hell. Or my Northern Heights entries from this time last year… but they’re in a league of their own. You two amuse me, oh yes you do. Enjoy the rest of your weekend together! xxx

September 24, 2005

WRONG! Do not read Organic Hangover (it’s been dubbed one of the most horrific entries in the history of Open Diary) – I was meaning to send you in the direction of the entry entitled ‘Git Yer Beps Oat’, where you can read of all things urine-reeking-passengers. But y’know what? Don’t read either of them… they’ll make you ill. xxx