I’d like to thank my Mother, My Father, My…

They love me, they really love me!!!!

The note drought finally seems to have passed!!! After waltzing across a desert of consistent nothing, save for the oasis of Carolyn, I have been inundated with four! FOUR!!!! Ha HA!!!! In your face Mother Nature! I don’t know why I said that!!!

"Pa, I think I’m getting the black lung…"


Anyhooooooooo, I’m at work again! It is sunny and my back is beginning to fry thanks to U.V. laced sunbeams being magnified through my window! Oh well, I’m sure melanomas have a sort of roguish charm… Actually, I doubt they do in any way shape or form, so pretend you never read that las line! I’m pretending I never typed it! Yes, the keyboard was hijacked officer…

So, tonight is the eve of my works pub quiz! We all go out and win the local quiz then go out for a meal with the money we win! The kitty is up to £90 this week, so very soon I will be stuffing my face with hard won grub! Hurray! We almost always win as we have a genuine scientist, a nerd (yours truly), a fifty two year old, a woman who loves soaps, a celebrity addict and a useless bum. The last one may not sound very good, but it’s amazing what lazy people really know- never trust they’re fat sweaty faces, they ARE PLANNING YOUR DOWNFALL!!!

They are!

All right, I may be wrong…



Bye now!

Tom, The man who puts the T in Tea Cups. Well, I put the tea in anyhow!

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June 28, 2005

“MerMAN! *coughs* Merman!” Best movie ever. Or not. Whatever. I like it.

June 28, 2005

LOL I haven’t seen that movie, but it sounds hilarious… judging from those 3 lines. loll

My fave author? tough question. It changes quite a lot. At the minute its Margaret Atwood. Who is yours?

Take THAT Mother Nature! <– I heart you. Four notes, wowwie! Zoolander rocks my world. I wish I owned it. Buy it for me? Lol, no, I kidd… I’d rather buy it myself. I will go bug my parents about coming to see you when they are awake! And when I am awake at the same time, hopefully! -Missy of the U S of A

August 8, 2005

Zoolander is without a doubt one of the Stillies best movies!!! And not because I have a crush on Owen Wilson… And Ben Stiller… And the skateboarding dwarves… KIDDING!! And hey, any film with Bowie has GOT to be good! “It’s a WALKOFF!” And I RULE all at pub quizzes. We are the queens of uselesss knowledge Tomety that is so vital in the Great English Pub Quizz! Heh heh heh.