
I’ve abandoned salad today for a lamb hot pot with roast potatoes! Yummers…

Anyhoo…. £260 is roughly $500. Plenty of pounds indeed. And yes, they are Richard Bransons children…. well, private school kids at any rate. Kate and I are also having a mini christmas day as we are not going to see each other over the Christmas period. Which should be bearable (correct spelling Kate…)

Can’t be arsed to write again…. sigh. Bloody lack of inspiration.


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December 14, 2006

I knew I’d spelt it incorrectly. I did it on purpose so as not to show you up. Except I didn’t, and it was a horrific accident. Much like a car smash up on the A55. I’m eating our samosas from last night’s Chinese. They’re delicious, but I’m rather jealous of your hotpot. Maz saw the new photo I have of you on my desk earlier and said you look like Colin Farrell. Gareth said not to tellyou this as you’d be upset, but we all know I tell you everything. Which is why I’m not scared to tell you the fact that I corrected Maz and said you looked like a goblin in real life. See, people? Honesty is the key to a good relationship. And Tom and I have a great one, don’t we, dear? I love you. Can’t wait to see you later and smother you with cuddles – it’s jolly fricken’ cold out today! Doug and I just got rained on outside. I may need a coffee. Loooooooooove in bundles and bundles and BUNDLES! Seven sleeps til Mini Christmas! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

December 14, 2006

mmmmmm…lamb hot pot, that sounds nice. we should do more hot pot-type things at the restaurant, but all we do is corned beef with cabbage and potatoes. that’s not really a hot pot, though. aaaaaaaanyway, hope you’re having a nice today over there so far. have uber-fun with your Kate on your Mini-Christmas! *peace signs and smiley faces*

December 14, 2006

Ohh baby I’m t’inkin’ about your chocolate…

December 14, 2006

You were BOTH online? BOTH AND STILL NO ONE INFORMS ME! *wails* You don’t like me any more do you? *lisps* Ok I will write another “Why Tom is a legend” entry. Wankspanner. Lee Mee xXx

December 17, 2006

I mentioned you in my entry Dedication. And the Kate too. But Kate more because I like her more! Lee Mee xXx

January 5, 2007

And lo she smote Tom upon his hairy swonnicles with a squarrot and a pirrel. And invited the anarchists for tea and cake.

And lo, did the peasants rejoice whenst uponst their squirrels came a holy and delicious chocolate sauce. And the people and the badgers did feast on the chocolatey squirrels.

And lo, the children of weasels descended upon them in a fiery, furry rage, and the skies rained blood and entrails and sunflower seeds.

January 5, 2007

And the squarrots threw sunflower seeds and the pirrels nibbled upon them. And lo did they fornicate in the slushy entrail soup and create an interspecies reace known as parrots and squirrels

January 5, 2007

Yea verily, the chocolate squirrel spake unto the chocolatey skunks, and went forth rejoicing.

And lo, the squirrels were kept in cages and taught to repeat swear words for the amusement of the people, and the parrots were trained in groups of eight, to pull holiday badger sleighs.

And lo, the badgers did revolt against the men with three heads, biting them soundly on the knees until they all stumped about in pools of their own blood, at which point the badgers did defecate upon their faces and laugh in their general direction.

January 5, 2007

Yet the squirrels grew tired of their caged lives and gathered together under the moonlight to devise a scheme of dramatic proportions no badger had ever seen.

January 5, 2007

(Tom I’m scared) ahem… and lo did Susan the badger verily cometh in the face of the squirrel.

January 5, 2007

Oh what cruel sorrow, and long forgotten shit-eating grins.

And lo did Susan become known for shaving her fur and being a general cock aficionado.

January 5, 2007

And lo did the squirrels forget their dramatic scheme and become extremely interested in Susan the badger.

And lo, did Susan’s ancestor’s thrive and flourish under the reign of the quite miniscule but still rather nasty Squirrel King, until the day came when the sun was shadow’d o’er and the sky rained peanut butter cups.

January 5, 2007

Wait…why couldn’t the sky rain lemon drops and gum drops?

January 5, 2007

I like peanut butter cups. They’re like tiny glistening nutty nipples.

January 5, 2007

moongate, please, this is serious.

Because I said so, damn it.

January 5, 2007

*spits out reeses cup immediately*

Lianne has peanut butter c-cups. Susan is jealous.

January 5, 2007

*has a storm in her D-cup*

BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! My evil plan is working perfectly! *hoards the nutty nipples*

January 5, 2007

MY breasts are glorious. Susan’s are rough and hairy.

I feel Susan’s pain. AND NOTHING ELSE.

January 5, 2007

*hands Susan some Nair and an Epilady*

My breasts are exquisite, rare miniatures. That’s not what Susan said, The Ensor.

January 5, 2007

She told me that you feasted upon them. And plucked the hairs from your teeth

January 5, 2007

My breasts are becoming quite a handful.

I did partake of the peanut butter cups. Though, let’s be honest, Susan… neither of us should use the word “feast”.

January 5, 2007

Yes after all they do not cover all the food groups

And lo, temmahkrik did grow weary of the festivities and left to try to score a ride home from a sober chipmunk.

January 5, 2007

*researches the five essential fat groups*

January 5, 2007

There are other food gropes…I mean, groups?

January 5, 2007

Did someone say gropes?

January 5, 2007

And LeeMee is going to bed. It’s 1:23 I love you Tom!

January 5, 2007

Not me.

January 5, 2007

My name isn’t Tom. Sheesh.

Gropes!? Screw you, chipmunk, I’m staying!

And lo, did Temmy get a ride home with Simon, since Alvin and Theodore were drunk off their nuts. And lo, did Tway-tway cup her cup-cups and mug for the camera. And lo, did Moongate bumble and bobble the Fingal dopple. And lo, did Lianne cover her body with the various food groups and serve as a sumptuous buffet.

January 5, 2007

And lo, did Ensor get far too excited… about Fingalling the Dopple.

January 5, 2007

One day we will laugh about this my darling Tom

Good night, Baltimore. Cheap Trick says good night!

January 5, 2007

My name isn’t Cheap Trick. Sheesh.