
Good afternoon internet types, particularly Lianne, who will now be enraged to see I have been online again without prior warning. I like to live on the wild side. That’s why I live in Wales.

Well, I survived my encounter with the elements- mainly due to the fact the ‘Force 12 gales’ appeared in a different form- glorious sunshine and unseasonable warmth. Weathermen are great, are they not. The met. office has a lot to answer for- I’ll tell you that for nothing! Not that anybody would charge just to say that… nobody I know anyway… well, maybe me…

Anyhoo… we lit fires all weekend and hid in the woods. And when I say we I obviously mean ‘I’. Not that I’m childish or anything. It was nice to be out in the country though, away from the chavs playing music alarmingly dissimilar from the sound of a bronchitis riddenpensioner chasing a lanmower through an orchestra. I’ve seen that happen- horrific, simply horrific.

Anyway, I’ll leave you with that majestic image- toodles!



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November 27, 2006

🙂 i love it when you update! 😀 are you on msn?? *runs to see* xxx

November 27, 2006

well done on your survival, unless this is a clever ploy and you are actually comunicating from beyond the grave, which i assume you are not. glad it was a good weekend 😀 toodles and take care ~ abby xox

November 27, 2006

you are fun to read, man. weather people are mostly silly bastards. hope you’re having a splendid now over there. *peace signs and smiley faces from across the “pond”*

November 27, 2006

It’s ok. This was just the cherry on top of a hideous, soul destroying day. I love you Tombellina. Lee Mee xXx

I know exactly where the bad weather you should’ve had ended up going to… 😉

November 29, 2006

Hi! I’m a random noter. I think its cool you live in Wales, were you born there/grow up there? Your diary reminds me a lot of my best friend who got me addicted to OpenDiary, he doesn’t write on here much anymore, but his diary was Eros von Krae. Anyway, take care.