German Meringue

Well, I’ve been back in Essex for a month now and I’m bored already. I NEED EXCITMENT DAMN IT!

I shall be applying for lovely benefits soon and as such will be living off the state as well as loving my little wage so all should be joyous and merry. And then dear readers I’m going CLUBBING!

Don’t look at me like that…

Yes, I know that to the vast majority of you the idea of me in a club is very similar to the image of the pope at an all night strip bar but I like to try new things and meet people. And who knows, I may well like clubbing. I like Pendulum at the minute and they’re new so I might be trendy now. I even have t-shirts with pithy slogans on. The sign of a man at the cutting edge surely!

I ahve really done very little of note so far apart from play Empire: Total War to excess. I’ve been playing as Sweden. I own all of Europe and America. If only I’d been alive during the 1700s. I’d probably have died of typhoid but I’m sure it would be a barrel of laughs.

Anyway, I’m still short. And short of inspiration so I shall let you all run free across flowering meadows. Toodles!

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June 1, 2010

living off of gov’mint “cheese” definitely takes a bit of the edge off of life. though it would obviously be better to be making heaps of moo-lah doing something you love, but things are tough all over. I hope you’re having a nice now over there, man. *peace signs and smiley faces*

June 1, 2010

You are NOT going clubbing!?! Really? Marshmallow Man you will do ANYTHING for a shag won’t you. Even poke your pooh-coated winkle into a club rat! I don’t feel so bad about randomly liking Pendulum now that you do but I fear this might be a slippery slope. The next thing you know we’ll be watching Britain’s Got Talent and Eurovision with all the other cretins and forgetting our rootsas masters of the universe. Or god forbid saying “lol”. *shudders* Lee Mee xXx

June 2, 2010

RYN: YOU LEFT ME A NOTE! 2 NOTES! I never get notes – are you ill? In which case I hope you never get better. Muahahahah. I think you should dye your hair blonde, if only so you can **** Darren in the arse. You know you want to. He has a chav name, you’re gagging for it you dirty bitch. Lee Mee xXx

June 2, 2010


random-Have fun clubbing!

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