Gaah Shipmates, shiver me wossnames etc…

Yes, today was piratically themed at my playscheme, and as such I am coated with paint, face paint, glitter, bruises and other such child skulduggery! It’s such fun!!!!!!

Two of my least favourite housemates are back this weekend, so you should all expect entries involving lines such as:


Yes, I’m a friendly type person that people trust their kids with…

On a lighter topic I GET PAID IN 11 DAYS SO I CAN BUY STUFF!!!! I love stuff, it is such a joy to me! And I may be able to afford to visit my lovely Lianne up in the far, bleak north of England! It may be cold, windswept and cold, but at least they have pubs! Mmmm, intoxicating beverages!

The games room at work is almost complete so we should very soon be flocked with pre-mid pubescant nerds wanting to play wargames! Bless their nerdy little socks!

Anyway, I shall leave you to wake up after being lulled into unconsciousness by the tedium of my diary!




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August 19, 2005

Hello prince of loveliness! Glitter… hmmm taking after the character in my book are we! You’ll be singing disco soon! Ha Lianne Marie xXx

August 19, 2005

pirates are awesome. pirates who throw up in my diary however, are not awesome. that is just gross. heheh glitter

bless their nerdy little socks? ya suuuure you didnt mean souls? <3

August 19, 2005

thanks for your notes…you make me smile. I did a search on limewire for The Ring original but could only find the american one Yeah, even tho I am a Canadian, sometimes it BLOWS GOATS.

August 20, 2005

thanks tom, you’re sweet