Fire in the Disco

Well, fire in my house anyway… Allow me to set the scene:

’twas a dark and stormy night, the chill mountain winds shrieking and clawing at the age stained stone of my home. I lay warm inside upon my sofa, a warm throw of fleece covering my aching legs, and the warm light of the television bathing me with it’s comforting light. My the hand on my clock slowly crawled through the hours until, with no noticeable strain, nine o’ clock was reached. Hunger pulled at my insides like a ravenous beast and so, raising from my warm repose, I made my way to the oven, into which I placed two vegetable bakes and a handfull of chips. I then made my way back to the sofa.

At 1:30am I was awoken by the wailing of my smoke alarm and by the strangling tendrils of smoke clambering across the walls to reach my sofa. The television had gone silent and the …… anyway, dramatic prose aside, I nodded off with an oven full of food on the go. This morning I smell of fire and brimstone, and I have doused everything I own in lilac air freshener! In the middle ages I’d be accused of being a witch ("Smelled of the very fires of hell, so he did squire!").

Yes I am an eejit.

My eejititude is made to look worse by the fact I have been the head cook at work all week and have been endlessly praised for the high quality of the fair that I have been producing! Huzzah!

Oh well, that’s about all I have to relate really, as I’m rather tired and smokey.

May flights of angels wing thee to thy rest.


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My neighbour once left a tray of chips in the oven ALL NIGHT. He woke the next afternoon to find them perfectly intact charcoal replicas of what he had intended to consume in his drunken stupour. 🙂

February 9, 2008

You twazzock.

February 9, 2008

man, that’s what happens when you think your skill will be perfectly in-tune when you’re not in the restaurant-element, lol. I’m glad it wasn’t too bad and that you’re safe. I hope you’re having a nice now over there. *peace signs and smiley faces*

If you like reading boring creative writing you are welcome to read this one.. but it’s the most ficticious of the three!

February 9, 2008

You simpleton! Huzzay for the good food stuffs though! 🙂 xxx

lol don’t set your house on fire. Well, now that i’ve got that over with… my teeth hurt. Are you on the internet yet?! Are you done stalking, and are you ready to take a much less anti-social approach to friendship? Cause that would be SUPER.

February 9, 2008

Oh dear xXx

Oh, lucky escape!