
Well, tonight is the night that the Kate and I move in together…. She is clearly more insane than an angry syphillitic badger. Which she bears a strange resemblence to. Except she doesn’t. Much.

Anyhoo, I’ve booked the day off work so I can get my house tidied and lots of NVQ work done. As you can see by the fact I’m writing an entry online, I’ve not got very far with anything really! I don’t care, I’m far too excitermicated! I invented that word. I am a visionary (KNIGHTS OF THE MAGICAL LIGHT!). Look up Visionaries if you have no idea what the bracketed bit meant.

What else to say? I don’t have much of a clue really! My mind is a whirlwind of silliness! I’m going to irritate Kate something chronic tonight! Pity her people. Pity her until her shins buckle! Though that can also be caused by rickets! Adam Rickets, cheesey 90’s pop sensation. Well, not so much a sensation, more a mild tinging…

Anyway, I’m going to go due to the fact that I have nothing of value to say (as you can probably tell from this entry…) So I shall bid you adieu.

Ummm…. adieu.

Tom (The Love Lorn Long Locked Loon.)

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April 13, 2006

Hope it all goes great! Just make sure you’ve cleared somewhere for her clothes, yep I know it sounds really abveouse, but my exhubby didn’t see the need for it and it started living together on the wrong foot… actually I think you’re far smarter than that! What are you going to cook her for supper tonight?

right now you guys are moving in together…as I write..cuz you are nine hours ahead! How exciting…don’t forget to update here either. We would all be bummed if you stopped. Good luck! *raises a glass of Champagne* Cheers mate! xxx

April 13, 2006

woooo! that’s awesome. have fun with kate 🙂

April 13, 2006

She is a very lucky woman! Have you got anything nice for breakfast tomorrow? I know Lianne Marie loves croissants, I prefer something simple like a bowl of ceral, but I’m sure you’ve thought of something. I bet you can’t wait if Kate is not there already!

April 13, 2006

Tom you are a cock. But I love you. Even though you are a cock. Lianne Marie xXx

April 13, 2006

ooh yay yay! so happy for you and your badger-but-not =D

Adam Rickets is a very serious medical condition – you need to get that treated right away before the infection spreads to the TV shows again.

I nearly bought series 2 of Visionaries on DVD recently. It would’ve been a great purchase if I had series 1. Which I don’t.

April 14, 2006

wow, man. so happy for you two! and nice alliteration there. *peace signs and smiley faces*

April 16, 2006

You’re next to me, aren’t you? I could leave a note in mouth-word form if I could be bothered, but alas… I like Martin’s computer too much. xxx

April 19, 2006

Aww, how cute! Many happy livings together 🙂

stop having so much sex, get out of bed, unchackle those chains and update will ya??? Fu*king hell, I miss you! xxx

April 22, 2006

yay! i’m so happy for you two 😀 I hope the move goes well and that you two will have a blast together.