Bonsoir Petit Pois!

I GOT PAID!!!! I love money, it is such a good thing to buy stuff with! I onced tried using gravel to pay. It didn’t work. That was actually a lie… sorry!

Anyhooooooo, I’ve bought lots of toys, nice food and, all importantly WINE!!!! MUH HA HA!!!! Wonderful fluid indeed, so it is! I’ve missed it’s gentle touch… yes, I’m slipping into alcoholism, but at least being a wino has a certain charm that being a whisky mad sex offender fails to achieve… lol!

I had a silly DVD, music and Monopoly night with my two new buddies yesterday as it seemed like a good idea! I had three bottles of wine and they… weren’t drinking! Oh well, at least it stopped me having to share! Anyway, a good evening was had by all and then they went home!

I bought Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the N64 today. I don’t know why because I don’t really like it, it just seemed a good idea at the time! Sigh… I’ll be so poor I’ll have to live in a small pile of saw dust… with all my toys! Yes, that would be best!

Ummmmm… at the moment I have little valid to say, so I shall leave thee in peace- I’ll probably type more later when my brain clicks into gear!

Au revoir!



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September 3, 2005

your diary is a very pretty colour, the kind of colour that makes it appear fluffy. I wanna stroke the fluffy diary… oooh so purdy and soft… =)

September 3, 2005

yeah, what’s up with places not accepting tiny rocks as currency? so silly, if you ask me. your entries make me giggle, man. *peace signs and smiley faces*

September 3, 2005

Well hello! Tis ok I think I am becoming an alcholic every day as well! I just love the drink sex on the beach. Not much of a beer girl though… that was the “highschool days” Hey I was going to tell you if you have AIM and you ever want to talk im me.. I am bored most of the time! (Lnzylu1982) talk to you later! Lindz

September 3, 2005

RYN: LOL, yeah, I can dig on celery if it’s cut up into little pieces, too. it’s the strings! who gave it the right to have strings?! it’s not like it’s in some orchestra, or something. yeah, that was some lame jokeness right there. you’re good a plundering, Englishman!

September 3, 2005

Tom, I cannot get MSN to work. I have tried changing all my settings. I think my new firewall is blocking it for some reason. Lianne Marie xXx