Bitter Disappointment

Strange, I was in a brilliant mood, but it has just slumped for no real reason…

I was looking around on myspace and OD and other such places, and it’s just hit me how shallow nad self absorbed so many people really are. There are people who have built up this whole image of being psycopathic monsters because they think it sounds big and clever, there are girls trying to sell themselves as some tarted up gold digger because that’s the in thing. People seem to be purposefully trying to categorise themselve into these pathetic little niches because they are rebelling. Against what? It can’t be ‘the establishment’ because, by throwing their lot in with an established group, they are joining the established classes. IT also can’t be against crazy, extreme views, as it seems that people want to be the extreme types. The only thing they seem to be rebelling against is moderate, humane people…

I’m a long haired guy who dresses after no fashion except my own. I do not look too extreme very often, though I often lean towards flamboyance. I keep myself to myself, but am happy to let my hair down and have a mad evening. I’m talkative, but know when to be quiet. I’m intelligent, but enjoy acting daft. I think I seem a pretty good guy.

Why then is it the case that it is these maddened herd animals seem to get more friendly attention than I, who am less likely to explode in their faces. Why is it that I seem to attract the yells across the street, or the sarcastic comments from some burberry clad neanderthal with his trousers tucked into his socks? I go through life with a share and share alike attitude and will happily bend over backwards for even the least known person, and these people seem to only care for themselves and their horrifically narrow world view.

England have just beaten Wales in a football (soccer) match. This ahs triggered bands of Englishmen and Welshmen hurling insults and jeers at each other and an atmosphere of violence has pervaded the town. I look and sound very English and have had insults hurled at me. Why??? I love Wales, am thoroughly disillusioned with England and hate football. These people don’t seem ready to give anyone a chance to explain themselves before pouncing. We seem to be lurching back into a mediaeval witch hunting society in which anybody percieved as unnormal gets punished. What happened to enlightened civilisation? The ancient Greeks accepted people for what they were and allowed people freedom to believe- that was around 3000 years ago, and we’ve gone backwards.

I know that it’s pretentious that some little Englishman who has done his share of bad things should complain about the moral degradation of society, but it’s all a matter of perspective. I think that I live my life perfectly well, and I accept that people make these social decisions. But what I don’t understand is why? They are just making it harder to live for everyone.

Sorry to have written a clunky, depressing, slightly incoherent and nonsensical rant, but I just needed to get things of my chest.



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September 3, 2005

’twas a good rant, man. everybody’s gotta get stuff off their chests every now and then. hope it helped you out, too.

September 3, 2005

Firstly, that is the first time I have EVER heard you to refer to football… stop scaring me! Secondly, about 70% of the population of the world are shallow, narcissistic and judge purely on the way people look and conform. People are intimidated by the people who don’t conform, because they don’t have the uniqueness that makes people like you so special and

September 3, 2005

wonderful. You are one of my favourite people in the entire world, and I want to kill every songle person who has failed to appreciate how funny, kind and incredbly intelligent you are. You have such a gift for communicating with people on the same level as you. Don’t worry about wank*rs who jeer in the street, They will never ever understand how unlucky they are not to know you.

September 3, 2005

How sad that they must be feeling such pressure to be like everyone else that they can mock you for having gorgeous long hair, or liking to wear black a lot. They will never know the joys of hearing demented squirrels & parrots in the wee hours of the morning! Lianne Marie xXx

September 3, 2005

Honey, I know you well enough to know that you wouldn’t be bothered about some a-shole jeering at you. I mean for God’s sake they are a pathetic breed. Pretty much the same breed of men who stare at my breasts when it rains & make comments like “You don’t get many of them to the pound do you love??” or “Oooh are you cold? you’ll have my eye out!” W*nkers. Lianne Marie xXx

*I love you* Tom -Carolyn