Beer Gas

Finished work last night (a good time to finish me thinks) and recieved a call from my beloved. And Kate. Katey-Lou, despite being off work with leprosy, had been invited out for a drink by her boss, and was commanded to bring along yours truly… Now my liver hurts and my bottom keeps letting evil smelling gases permeate the air…

I had at LEAST 8 pints of guiness (Kate and I tried to do the maths this morning… it hurt…) and was as drunk as a lord, but twas a jolly good evening all round. The fact that every time I turn my head a goblin seems to try and copulate with my brain is an unfortunate side effect of this.

And the saddest thing of all? I have to go out with my supervisor and Taxi Dave tonight for a work Christmas drink… wait, what’s that noise? Oh yes, it’s my liver crawling out of my belly button and making a break for it. Run dear friend, run to the hills…. cue Iron Maiden song….

Tom, Liver-Doner-Needed Personality of the Year

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December 8, 2006

disgusting man! i shall donate 1/15th of my liver, will that suffice?

December 8, 2006

oh man, your poor liver. you could most definitely drink me under the table, especially since I haven’t had any substantial amount of alcohol in over 3 years. but anyway, hope you recover quickly. *peace signs and smiley faces*

December 8, 2006

YOU ARE UPDATING PRACTICALLY EVERY DAY!!! What’s wrong with you??? Lee Mee xXx

December 11, 2006

HA! The roles have been reversed! I am dying at work, and you’re dying at home. What a pair, eh? Hope you’re feeling a bit better now. Love you. See you tonight. xxxxxxxxx (Snotty smooches).